Blue Skies Prompt #13: Foundations (ASOIAF)

Jul 27, 2011 12:04

Title: Foundations
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #13, One minute I held the key / Next the walls were closed on me / And I discovered that my castles stand / Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand (Viva la Vida by Coldplay)
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Sansa Stark
Rating & Warnings: rated PG-13 for violence
Word Count: 235
Summary: A wise queen builds her castle upon the rock. Sansa learns the hard way.

The Red Keep is smaller than Winterfell, Sansa realizes as she approaches the Iron Throne. Arya pointed this out scornfully when they first arrived in King's Landing, but Sansa told her little sister she was wrong, she was stupid, that it was impossible that the King of the Seven Kingdoms sat in a lesser hall than Father. Now, however, the red walls that once made her think of a sandcastle aglow with a summer sunset, seem to close in on her. Her castle has become a prison, she is condemned along with Father; the floor seems to shift beneath her feet as if built upon the shore of the Blackwater instead of on Aegon's Hill.

But then her good, noble King Joffrey promises mercy for Father in return for a confession, and Sansa knows everything will be right again. Father won't be Hand any longer, nor will he go home, but he will live. Sansa holds the key to his dungeon door in her hands. Her feet skip lightly across the firmly floor as she exits the throne room, admiring the red walls of the Keep. It may not be so large as Winterfell, but it is grander by far.


In the Great Sept of Baelor, Father's head falls to the floor, and Sansa collapses onto her knees.

No longer is there any question that she has built her pretty castles upon foundations of sand.

fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: mrstater, blue skies: prompt 13

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