Blue Skies Prompt 12

Jul 27, 2011 09:01

Title: A Sultry Woman
Author: Ranguvar42
Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt 12-Sultry
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010
Characters: Ilosovic/Alannah
Genre: Romance
Ratings/Warnings: High T for slight nudity, seduction, and non explicit sex.
Word Count: 570
Summary:  After all these years, Ilosovic is certain of one thing-his wife is one damn sultry and seductive woman.

Ilosovic was bored and lonely. His Patrol was still three days from Marmoreal, and he was seriously considering appealing to Time to shorten the journey so he could get home to his wife. The fact that it was one of the hottest days he had ever known didn’t help matters any.

He sat in his tent, stripped to the waist, and tried his best to concentrate on the Patrol Report, but the words all blended together in a blur. He wiped a sheen of sweat from his forehead, cursing.

“Damn this heat!”

The sound of the tent flap opening made him look up. A Corporal was standing in the entrance, a letter in his hand. “This was given to me by a woman. She told me to give it to you, Sir.”

Ilosovic held out his hand, and the corporal gave him the letter, and then left the tent. Ilosovic unfolded the letter, smiling at the contents.

‘Come to the pond near here. I have something to show you.’

Five minutes later, after ordering Michael to watch the Patrol, Ilosovic arrived at the pond. At first, he didn’t notice anything, but gradually he noticed the water rippling. Alannah was swimming, and he walked down to the bank, watching as she cut through the water as skillfully as a fish. “Hello love.”

She trod water, grinning at him. “You got my note.”

“I did. What did you want to show me?”

Alannah smirked, and then began to walk out of the water, and Ilosovic felt his brain seize up. She was clad in only two small scraps of red silk fabric. One piece was wrapped around her breasts, and the other hung low on her hips. He gulped as he raked his gaze up and down her smooth, hard stomach and long flawless legs. Her womanly curves were only emphasized by the outfit. Ilosovic gulped, and she came closer, sliding into his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. “You like it?”

He growled in appreciation and kissed her, pulling her flush against his bare chest, and she moaned and wriggled against him, sending a lovely shock through him and causing him to grow hard in a matter of seconds. He licked the rim of her ear, and then nipped her ear. “You are an extremely seductive and sultry minx, you know. Even after all these years, you drive me absolutely mad with desire.”

Alannah moaned as he slipped his hand inside her panties, stroking her. “The…ohhhh…the feeling is mutual, my Lord.”

Ilosovic peeled her panties off, his fingers moving over and inside her until she was panting and trembling in need. “Ilosovic…please…I need relief.”

Ilosovic groaned, needing relief just as badly, and undid his trousers, plunging into her with a loud cry. Alannah clung to him, and together they moved in a well known rhythm, their mouths and hands roving over every inch of each other’s bodies, their loud cries of pleasure reverberating through the woods.

Michael watched a flock of birds erupt into the sky from the direction his father had gone, and guffawed in laughter.

His parents never changed.

fandom: alice in wonderland, author: ranguvar42, blue skies: prompt 12

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