April Showers Prompt 1: Obsidian Twinkling Graveyard (Halo)

Apr 11, 2011 11:18

Title: Obsidian Twinkling Graveyard
Author: patriot_jackie
Prompt: #1, April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain. (T.S. Eliot, "The Waste Land")
Fandom: Halo (Novels)
Characters/Pairings: John-117; Mentions of Soren-66 & CPO Mendez
Genre: Angst
Rating & Warnings: PG ( Read more... )

author: patriot_jackie, april showers: prompt 1, fandom: halo

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Comments 7

yappichick July 18 2011, 18:34:24 UTC
Guh! I was just going through the tags and saw that there was a Halo fic! Dude, this is soooo good!

I think you did an epically brilliant job of showing John's emotions while keeping him in character (which is a difficult balance, I know) and referencing Evolutions.

I don't know if you are participating this round, but I say there can never be enough Halo fic! :D :D

Great job! I'm so putting this is in memories!

♥ ♥


fantasticjackie July 19 2011, 06:23:21 UTC
O.O Dood! A chick Halo buddy! Woot!! This comm is magical.

*blushes* Thanks so much! This was quite a surprise in my inbox. :) I figured he'd be very strict and logical about his emotions; that despite his loyalties, he'd be determined to get through them and onto the next thing. Which is super sad in and of itself. Those poor kids...

Halo is SUCH a sad universe; it's a wonder why I love it so much, considering how much I hate tragedies. ... Of course, I still don't quite get the whole 20-year war with the Covenant: they'd ALL be dead by then with how fierce those battles were! But I digress.

You know, I've never read any other Halo fic. I should do that sometime...!

Thank you again! You're too kind.

Of course, I must know: I take it you play the game, too? :D


yappichick July 19 2011, 17:00:16 UTC
This comm is magical! LOL

You are very welcome! Yeah, I think you totally did a great job of keeping John in character -- very much like Eric Nylund.

You're totally right, it is a sad universe. I think Halo: Reach did a good job of symbolizing the entire universe. So many sacrifices for a glimmer of hope. It's like humanity is surviving on a wing a prayer.

There is a wide variety of fic out there. Lots of Red v. Blue fics, TONS of Reach fic...but I tend to stick with fics with the Chief, Cortana, and the rest of the gang from the original trilogy.

I play the game very, very badly. LOL My hubby plays mostly. I sit and watch the cutscenes Yes, I have them all sitting on my computer, read the novels and generally fangirl about everything from the sidelines. I am committed to playing through CE when it 10th anniversary comes out though. And I'll be watching my hubby play Halo 4 through my fingers, peeking cautiously until I know they aren't going to kill off Cortana, LOL ( ... )


fantasticjackie July 20 2011, 15:31:25 UTC
Ohh, don't say that! You'll inflate my ego! ;D Eric Nylund is my favorite living author; I just love the way he writes. Thank you, though; you're very sweet ( ... )


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