April Showers Prompt 1: Obsidian Twinkling Graveyard (Halo)

Apr 11, 2011 11:18

Title: Obsidian Twinkling Graveyard
Author: patriot_jackie
Prompt: #1, April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain. (T.S. Eliot, "The Waste Land")
Fandom: Halo (Novels)
Characters/Pairings: John-117; Mentions of Soren-66 & CPO Mendez
Genre: Angst
Rating & Warnings: PG ( Read more... )

author: patriot_jackie, april showers: prompt 1, fandom: halo

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yappichick July 18 2011, 18:34:24 UTC
Guh! I was just going through the tags and saw that there was a Halo fic! Dude, this is soooo good!

I think you did an epically brilliant job of showing John's emotions while keeping him in character (which is a difficult balance, I know) and referencing Evolutions.

I don't know if you are participating this round, but I say there can never be enough Halo fic! :D :D

Great job! I'm so putting this is in memories!

♥ ♥


fantasticjackie July 19 2011, 06:23:21 UTC
O.O Dood! A chick Halo buddy! Woot!! This comm is magical.

*blushes* Thanks so much! This was quite a surprise in my inbox. :) I figured he'd be very strict and logical about his emotions; that despite his loyalties, he'd be determined to get through them and onto the next thing. Which is super sad in and of itself. Those poor kids...

Halo is SUCH a sad universe; it's a wonder why I love it so much, considering how much I hate tragedies. ... Of course, I still don't quite get the whole 20-year war with the Covenant: they'd ALL be dead by then with how fierce those battles were! But I digress.

You know, I've never read any other Halo fic. I should do that sometime...!

Thank you again! You're too kind.

Of course, I must know: I take it you play the game, too? :D


yappichick July 19 2011, 17:00:16 UTC
This comm is magical! LOL

You are very welcome! Yeah, I think you totally did a great job of keeping John in character -- very much like Eric Nylund.

You're totally right, it is a sad universe. I think Halo: Reach did a good job of symbolizing the entire universe. So many sacrifices for a glimmer of hope. It's like humanity is surviving on a wing a prayer.

There is a wide variety of fic out there. Lots of Red v. Blue fics, TONS of Reach fic...but I tend to stick with fics with the Chief, Cortana, and the rest of the gang from the original trilogy.

I play the game very, very badly. LOL My hubby plays mostly. I sit and watch the cutscenes Yes, I have them all sitting on my computer, read the novels and generally fangirl about everything from the sidelines. I am committed to playing through CE when it 10th anniversary comes out though. And I'll be watching my hubby play Halo 4 through my fingers, peeking cautiously until I know they aren't going to kill off Cortana, LOL ( ... )


fantasticjackie July 20 2011, 15:31:25 UTC
Ohh, don't say that! You'll inflate my ego! ;D Eric Nylund is my favorite living author; I just love the way he writes. Thank you, though; you're very sweet ( ... )


yappichick July 20 2011, 17:19:34 UTC
Yeah, he is really good. And I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it.

No, you're not the only one who was disappointed. I loved everything about Halsey in the game. (Jen Taylor did a great job of voicing her and showing the difference in personalities between her and Cortana.) And you're right "The Package" looked epically awesome.

LOL, are you talking about the fics I've written? I would say that most of my fics are Chief/Cortana friendship and that there isn't anything beyond their relationship than what we see in "Human Weakness" (from Halo: Evolutions) with the except of an AU that I'm posting.

If you're talking about over at ff.net, there are some, but I can't think of any overt Chief/Cortana (i.e. making goo-goo eyes) fics. But I haven't been over there in a while to read things...lots of Kat/Carter fics to sift through. LOL

Hey, I'm with you with the Fred/Kelly thing. Especially after reading Ghost of Onyx. And I can see the John/Linda thing (especially with the end of The Fall of Reach), but I'm pretty solidly on ( ... )


fantasticjackie July 22 2011, 06:18:44 UTC
Have you read any of his other books? I dunno what it is about how he writes, (well... actually, I've studied it quite a lot...), but I am just in love with it. Particularly the way he describes things ( ... )


yappichick July 23 2011, 19:54:45 UTC
You know, I tried to read Mortal Coils on my Kindle and the formatting was so bad that I never bought the entire thing. And I have the first chapter of Crimson Skies on my Kindle which I really enjoyed (though I know that was a collaboration ( ... )


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