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Comments 16

litlover12 July 26 2011, 20:01:11 UTC
Oh my goodness! That almost ended very badly! :-)


just_a_dram July 27 2011, 17:12:22 UTC
Thanks for reading! :)


mrstater July 26 2011, 20:11:34 UTC
LOL Life with Rapunzel must be like a never-ending game of 20 Questions...With Eugene adding a few of his own. It's a state of happy bewilderment, methinks.

Love it.


just_a_dram July 27 2011, 17:42:28 UTC
Yeah, she's mistakenly trying a wee bit too hard. She didn't really need a sauna, I think, to get the reaction she's looking for. But, he'll probably have a good laugh about it. :)

Thanks, my dear!


yappichick July 26 2011, 21:13:10 UTC

She would have a question for every occasion. LOL


just_a_dram July 27 2011, 20:23:21 UTC
Blondie's motto is 'stay curious'! :D


yuenmei July 26 2011, 21:14:14 UTC
Ha, I love the format of this. And I love Eugene's line at the end. They're so funny together.


just_a_dram July 27 2011, 22:52:33 UTC
Thanks, my dear! I was a little unsure about the format after I posted it, thinking it might be too obtuse. So, I'm happy to hear it worked for you. :)


yuenmei July 28 2011, 02:08:43 UTC
well, I did read it a few times :P But when I got it, I loved it, hah!


just_a_dram July 28 2011, 19:48:22 UTC
Well, not insurmountably obtuse then, which is better than what I hoped for after my self-doubt. :D


chococoffeekiss July 27 2011, 13:53:37 UTC
Love it! Oh, Eugene. :D


just_a_dram July 27 2011, 23:09:15 UTC
Thanks! He's the best. :)


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