Blues Skies, Prompt #12: A Series of Questions (Tangled)

Jul 26, 2011 14:48


“Do you want to go to the Snuggly Duckling with me?”

“Who is that lady?”

“Why can’t he keep his hands off her?”

“Can I speak with you, Mother?”

“What does sultry mean exactly?”

“Is the cook terribly busy?”

“Would it be all right if I borrowed this cast iron pot?”

“If I fill it up with water, do you think someone can help me carry it upstairs?”

“Are you sure I haven’t taken too much of your firewood?”

“What do you think, Pascal: more steam?”

“Could you run find Eugene?”

“Why the heck is it so hot in here?”

fandom: tangled, blue skies: prompt 12, author: just_a_dram

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