Blue skies prompt 8: To hunt a hunter (Supernatural)

Jul 24, 2011 16:59

Title: To hunt a hunter
Author: mish2mish
Prompt: #8 couple under water
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters & Pairings: Lady of the lake, and the hunters she hunts.
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 338
Summary: When she had just woken up, there had been plenty to hunt. She is so hungry now.

To hunt a hunter )

author: mish2mish, fandom: supernatural, blue skies: prompt 8

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Comments 6

formless_colors July 24 2011, 18:45:15 UTC
This was entirely eerie and well-written! I especially liked the description of her toes digging into the wood-- again, very creepy.

This was a very creative spin on the prompt, too. :)


mish2mish July 24 2011, 19:04:22 UTC
Oh thank you so much! You have no idea how happy I am that you found her creepy. :D

(and what a great icon. I'm pretending Neil was here with you)


formless_colors July 24 2011, 19:32:38 UTC
You're welcome. :)

And thanks! I am a huge fan of Neil's, so I wouldn't be composed enough to respond if he was here with me. And that's putting it lightly. :P


mish2mish July 24 2011, 19:35:51 UTC
LOL no, I can see how that would happen. Neil is such an inspiration to me, I wouldn't even know where to begin if I actually met him.


tifaching July 25 2011, 01:38:26 UTC
Excellent take on the prompt! Very eerie.


shimotsuki July 30 2011, 22:11:14 UTC
Very nicely creepy and chilly. I especially love the descriptions of what things look like from underwater -- that's a super-effective way of putting us in this creature's head. And the last three sentences make for a fantastic ending.


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