Blue skies prompt 8: To hunt a hunter (Supernatural)

Jul 24, 2011 16:59

Title: To hunt a hunter
Author: mish2mish
Prompt: #8 couple under water
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters & Pairings: Lady of the lake, and the hunters she hunts.
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 338
Summary: When she had just woken up, there had been plenty to hunt. She is so hungry now.

There is shadow on the surface of the lake. It is a boat. Finally. Her fingers clench in the rotten leaves and debris at the bottom where she has been resting, waiting, long claws disappearing into accommodating mud. It's been a while now with no prey venturing into her territory. When she had just woken up, there had been plenty to hunt. She is so hungry now. Always hungry.

She sets off, gliding slowly through the murky waters, following the wake above her. The oars leave small whirls each time they are dragged against the calm surface. There is a shadow at the prow, leaning out over the edge of the boat, someone gazing into the water. That will make this easier.

She stays under the boat, hiding. When it suddenly stops, she sees the shape above turn slightly and hears words exchanged. This is the moment of distraction she needs. Turning her belly against the bottom of the boat, she silently digs a hold with her toes into the wood. She stretches along the prow, legs and feet giving her leverage. When she sees the shadow of the man directly above her, she shoots out of the water and grabs at the form, snagging her claws in a shoulder and pulls back, muscles and gravity enough to tip him into the water.

He is huge, but this is her element. His arms and legs are churning the water, but she ducks and weaves easily, and wraps around him from behind, hands and feet grip and hold. He can't move and she bares her teeth, readying for the bite, when she feels a yank on her hair. Occupied with holding him in place, she can't fight before she is dragged above the water, shortly meeting a face, both angry and afraid. From the corner of her eye she sees an abrupt movement, descending towards her throat. The silver blade bites deep and the lamb's blood makes it burn. She can't hold on. Not to her prey. Not to anything.

author: mish2mish, fandom: supernatural, blue skies: prompt 8

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