Blue Skies Prompt #8: Death by Water (ASOIAF)

Jul 22, 2011 14:48

Title: Death by Water
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #8, picture of a couple kissing under water
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont
Rating & Warnings: rated PG for smoochies; speculation based on on vague A Dance With Dragons spoilers
Word Count: 468
Summary: When all seems lost, Dany's faithful knight brings ( Read more... )

fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: mrstater, blue skies: prompt 8

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Comments 6

just_a_dram July 22 2011, 22:03:31 UTC
Ack! This is so perfect a companion to that excerpt from DWD.

Dany sweeps her tongue into his mouth, relief flooding her as she realizes that her knight's soft lips taste not of the sea, but of sweat, and of tears, and the salt of the earth.

Love, love, love.

I like the implication that there isn't anyone that knew her as the girl she once was and she longs for that. The intimacy of calling her Dany.


mrstater July 23 2011, 03:15:20 UTC
This is so perfect a companion to that excerpt from DWD.

Thanks, lovely! :D Now I just wish I knew the context for that excerpt...

Writing all this fic is just making me want to shake Dany: you two are so close! Be with him, already!

(Also, in regard to your icon...I have watched and re-watched that kiss, and you know my favorite part of it? Watching him swallow afterward. Like he'd been holding his breath the whole time. It's just about the sexiest thing ever.)


just_a_dram July 23 2011, 03:32:31 UTC
Also, in regard to your icon...I have watched and re-watched that kiss, and you know my favorite part of it? Watching him swallow afterward. Like he'd been holding his breath the whole time. It's just about the sexiest thing ever.

Yay! It's my pretty, new Dany/Jorah icon! I finally got to bust it out.

I'm going to have to rewatch that scene. I didn't notice, but I'm sure I'll like it. I think men swallowing is sexy. All the men in my fics are always swallowing. Ha! And when you can see the muscle in their jaw work. I'm so weird.


mrstater July 23 2011, 03:53:15 UTC
I think men swallowing is sexy. All the men in my fics are always swallowing. Ha! And when you can see the muscle in their jaw work. I'm so weird.

Erm, those are both regular descriptions of mine, too. I have been known to frequently use the phrase, "She watched the roll of his Adam's apple as he swallowed." Guys just have sexy throats!

And yeah, jaw working = hawt.


anywhere_but_nj July 24 2011, 10:41:41 UTC
"Never by me, my Queen."

You know, I don't think he was the betrayal for love. Because he betrayed her for honor - and THEN he loved you.

His hand catches hers, so strong, so gentle. "Then let me help you to breathe--my Dany."

That is so Jorah.

That was beautiful.


mrstater July 24 2011, 13:25:37 UTC
Exactly...He was spying on her but stopped because he realized he loved her, right? She only got pissed off when she found out about it, long after the fact; I can kind of understand (not having actually read this far, but being spoiled) why he doesn't submit to her, when he isn't actually guilty of what she accuses him of.

Thank you very much, I'm so pleased you liked this and found it in-character. :D


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