Title: Scent
fannishliss Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #24: scent
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part four of a romance in drabbles: Gallifreyan trees help Rose deepen her connection to the Doctor.
The trees are singing: she’s listening, learning. The song they sing is the Doctor-- his soul.
He must think she’s blind not to see the tears darkening his lashes, deaf not to hear the truth of the sad, beautiful song the trees are teaching her. He doesn’t know she can somehow smell his thoughts -- the cinnamon red of his gaze when he thinks she isn’t watching him; the citric blue of his restraint; the violet tang of his wanting her.
She sings; his scent rises. He looks up through the slanting light and she tastes his crimson and gold.
Tune in tomorrow for Wildfire.
Road Trip ~
Meadow ~
Sweat ~ Scent ~ Wildfire ~ Shelter ~ Sultry ~ Storm ~ Freedom