Title: Road Trip
fannishliss Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #9: road trip
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part one of a romance in drabbles: the Tardis takes the Doctor and Rose on a road trip.
Road Trip
When a scarred and weary space man meets a sweet city girl, destination unknown is everything. Wide open spaces, a map that won’t refold -- the Tardis chucks the map out the window. No sticky leather, crumbs down the seat, ice cold beer in the cooler in the trunk; no miles of fields and telephone wires; no asphalt under the tires or dust to cake their blue jeans ... she isn’t made of chrome or gasoline. But she’s the same color blue as freedom and the Vortex is her highway. The storm and the wolf are her children: she’s ready to roll.
Tune in tomorrow for
Road Trip ~
Meadow ~ Sweat ~ Scent ~ Wildfire ~ Shelter ~ Sultry ~ Storm ~ Freedom