Well, I'm Back...

Jan 15, 2006 15:26

...sort of. :)

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King's birthday and a State holiday, so I'm not planning to be back completely online until Tuesday. Hopefully, I don't have too much work waiting for me there. Hopefully, the joint hasn't fallen down around our ears while I was gone! (Johnny the Boss kind of sucks at my job, so we'll see.)

More Stuff )

skating, family, daily life

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Comments 20

tuxedo_elf January 15 2006, 23:39:54 UTC
Welcome back! I'm glad you made it through everything without *too* much stress! Family can be evil sometimes!



dawn_felagund January 16 2006, 00:07:12 UTC
Thank you! :) I'm fortunate that most of my family is evil only in fun ways. I have Naomi/Bob, but with my grandmother gone, I don't imagine we'll be hearing much from them. After they leech all they can from her estate, that is. :^/


isil_elensar January 16 2006, 00:16:06 UTC
(((((hugs))))) :-)

Do the Colts still have a shot at the championships? They are my second favorite team behind the Titans. While I wish the Titans had a chance at Superbowl, since they suck this year, they can't, and so I root for the Colts...

And I like Peyton Manning, anyway. ;-)


dawn_felagund January 16 2006, 01:08:59 UTC
Unfortunately not. :( They got crunched by the Steelers today, 21-18. Actually, they were in field goal range and Vanderjagt missed. o.O WTF??? Vanderjagt never misses; they put up his stats and he hasn't missed one at home all season. Well, now I guess he has. It was a really good game, though, and Peyton did a great job of bringing them back into it. I'm a big fan of his, too. I think he's a classy guy and his playing simply amazes me.

A lot of Bal'morons don't like the Colts because of the snafu when they packed up overnight, without warning, and moved from B'more to Indy, but that happened before I was born, so I figure I'm okay to like them. ;) And I like the Titans too, even though the Ravens will always be number one for me, even when they don't play like they deserve it. (Like this season...grrrr....)


digdigil January 16 2006, 00:52:08 UTC
Oh, Dawn! It was lovely to have you post in your LJ again! Congrats on your new car! And SQUEEEE! You got to see Brokeback Mtn! Were you disappointed that there weren't more hott scenes? (Wait for the DVD). I think I'll rent The Constant Gardener on your rec. I wanted to see it anyway. It's very unfortunate what happened to the Colts! they never have any playoff luck! EVER! Now, Dawn, I have to ask you this. Because of your recent bereavement, I do NOT wish to be inappropriate. So --- I have been working on the Maedhros/Fingon fic and it is half typed (it's MUCH longer than I thought it would be) and almost ready to post, like tomorrow. Would that be too soon? Do you think I should wait until you're feeling more up? This is me, so of course it's really, really smutty. Anyway, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow. And tell Bobby I think he's just a wonderful man.


dawn_felagund January 16 2006, 01:14:55 UTC
I had Bobby with me, and I knew he was a little nervous about the...erm...slash in BBM, and so I suppose I was watching from both my eyes and his and was a bit grateful for his sake that it wasn't too graphic. But wait for the DVD, indeed.... ;)

As for The Constant Gardener...I loved it, and it is rare when I see a movie that I absolutely fall in love with. I find it hard to watch a movie without thinking of how I would do the story differently, but I could find no faults with that one. So it comes with my highest recommendations, one certified movie freak to another. ;)

As for your Maedhros/Fingon...bring it on! I'd love to read it! Seriously, moping around and avoiding the things (and people) I like doesn't help me and doesn't honor my grandmother, imho, so you can bet I'll be first in line to read it tomorrow. ;) Plus, I am so interested to see how you did things. Wow, that came out sounding wrong; you know what I mean. ;) Now I'm really excited! :^D ( ... )


frenchpony January 16 2006, 03:20:00 UTC
Ah, family events. Trust me, every family has an Uncle Bob stashed away somewhere. The only thing to do is grit your teeth, and be just polite enough to them that they don't disinherit you completely.

Yay for the Steelers! Actually, I have no interest in them either way, but I've decided to root for them now that the Patriots are out of commission. One of my dancing pals is, like me, a born New Englander, and we were keeping a weather eye on the Patriots' progress during intervals at the ball last night. Right after he won five(!) prizes in the raffle, his luck ran out and the Patriots lost. We danced a waltz of mourning and then decided to root for the Steelers, because his girlfriend is from Pittsburgh.


dawn_felagund January 16 2006, 19:58:53 UTC
Good thing about uncle Bob is that--now that my grandmother's gone--I have no need to be nice to him or aunt Naomi. I am pleasant to my cousins because after hearing them called "fat" and "stupid" for years, I feel bad for them and blame their occasional lapses on growing up with two complete idiots.

Since Bob and Nay didn't even see the need to give Bobby and me a wedding gift, I doubt I'd inherit anything from them in the event of their untimely deaths from their almost entirely meat- and alcohol-based diets, even if there was anything left after the bank collected on all of their debts from their pseudo-riche lifestyle.

I can't support the Steelers. I bleed purple, so now I'm rooting for Denver, who I liked next-best after the Colts anyway.


tarion_anarore January 16 2006, 04:49:18 UTC
Glad you're back!!

...you named the car Feanaro?? Dawn, that car is gonna last two years and then explode in a huge ball of flames!!!... ;)
(I really hope this prediction is false.)

*Is surprised Steelers won, considering they gave the ball to the Colts at the bloody 2 yardline!! But is glad that at least father's blood pressure can come down for a week*

Now they play Denver...in Denver...*off to build bomb shelter*


dawn_felagund January 16 2006, 20:03:26 UTC
And naming the car Feanaro was Bobby's idea! (I swear!) Usually, I let him name things since, if I name them, they always get Elvish names. My laptop is Pengolodh; my iPod is Maeglin...I let him name our new cactus, so it's called Pablo. ;)

The Colts should have won after the said interception on the two-yard line...but Vanderjagt botched the field goal. WTF??? Vanderjagt never misses at home! Nonetheless, Bobby and I--who both despise the Steelers more than any other NFL team--decided that a Colts' victory would have been tainted after a thoroughly bad call regarding a Steelers interception. So the Steelers truly did deserve the win. *grits teeth and cannot believe I just said that*

Now that the Colts and the Bears are out of it, I am rooting for Denver, so.... ;)


tarion_anarore January 16 2006, 20:21:11 UTC
And naming the car Feanaro was Bobby's idea!

Lol!! Uh huh...suuuuuure Dawn...;P
I don't name very many things...huh. Except for my trombone, which is affectionately called Diablo. I also knew someone who named his saxophone Veronica. He was fond of saying "I blew Veronica today." - I'm thinking this is why he chose a female name...
...Soooo, Makalaure, what's your harp's name???

So the Steelers truly did deserve the win.

O.M.G. *marks calendar & saves comment for future reference*

Now that the Colts and the Bears are out of it, I am rooting for Denver, so.... ;)

Ahhhhh!!! *digs shelter faster* Dawn has turned to the evilness!!!


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