*brushes off dust and rises from the dead*

Dec 09, 2006 18:15

Yeah, it's me. That girl called "Dawn Felagund" (who also answers to "Felak"--pretty effed up, since that's one of her male characters--"the 'gund" or just plain "Dawn") who usually updates daily or so and has apparently fallen off of the face of the earth. Well, except for fannish things, but when I'm eighty, I doubt I'll look back at my journal ( Read more... )

daily life, randomness

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Comments 23

rhapsody11 December 9 2006, 23:57:07 UTC
Hi Dawn, nice meeting you ;)

I feel so sad about Mack. I went like: oh no, not this special guy who kept us so entertained. {{{hugs}}} oh and poor Bobby {{{hugs}}} Pucks can be very nasty.

He also got a penalty for slashing. *plucks mind out of the gutter*

LOL! *sits on her hands not to suggest other things* ;)

You got your ass kicked! *clap clap clap* You got your ass kicked! *clap clap clap*" If only we'd won....


Now it was financial maths, and I'd never had a business or economics course in my life. I tried my best to find formulae for what I needed to do between the textbook and Wikipedia, but when one doesn't understand the core concepts and terms, it is difficult to make sense of things, and it became quickly clear that some of the formulae had been covered chapters back, and I'd have to read the whole book to understand them. That wasn't happening.I always struggled with maths which is so easy for you. Surprisingly enough, I happened to be quite good at benchmarking, market analysis and such. Really strange you ( ... )


dawn_felagund December 10 2006, 02:42:37 UTC
*brushes off graveyard dirt to shake hands* Nice to meet you too, Rhapsody! :^D

I always struggled with maths which is so easy for you. Surprisingly enough, I happened to be quite good at benchmarking, market analysis and such. Really strange you know, so I feel for you.

Thanks. It's been awful. I've no doubt that I could do decently well at it if I'd studied business, but I've never had a business course in my life, and this is advanced-degree work. It seemed that every other term I had to look up. And I had to look up every other term in the definition until my eyes were crossing. It took an hour to do one problem, and finally, I realized that it just couldn't happen. It would be like me asking him to understand advanced neurophysiology concepts without ever having a course in biology or chemistry. It just don't work that way!

We never did gifts, I've known hubby for 13 years and we are just grateful for spending those days together with no work worries, but just enjoying each other. You know?I do. That's where I'm aiming. Well, ( ... )


mirien December 10 2006, 00:42:10 UTC
I always like reading your general life updates. Nice to hear from you! Winced at Bobby's mishap and poor Mack. Nothing wrong with being sad about a fish, all pets are precious e
xcept when they trap you in your own loft space because they have climbed the step-ladder after you and are too scared to climb back down, thereby blocking your way down.

I AM sending cards, btw, just hope I get them out on time. If not, mine might be a little um, well, late *blush*


dawn_felagund December 10 2006, 02:44:58 UTC
No worries! I haven't sent my cards out yet either. But you'll be getting something in the post from me. ;)

Alex, luckily, hasn't learned to climb ladders yet. His pet gate, yes. The back seat of my car, yes. For me, my least precious pet moment is when we're eating dinner and Alex trots by, sweet as pie, and squats on the carpet. It's always nice to stop dinner to mop up pee because the dog decided not to let us know that he needed to potty!


frenchpony December 10 2006, 01:57:28 UTC
Bobby's chem professor got arrested? Now, there's an academic excuse you don't see too often. (Says the Pony, whose freshman Spanish teacher in high school had a fairly lengthy rap sheet.) Did you get to run his warrant?

Farewell, Mack the Knife. Enjoy the Big Saltwater Tank In The Sky. I do like the idea of a fish hospice, though.

And. . . Alex Maitimo? Clearly, Bobby did not have quite so much control over this puppy's name as you led us to believe.


dawn_felagund December 10 2006, 02:51:41 UTC
Yep. Bobby's chem professor got arrested for DWI. For the second time. *wince* I didn't get to run anything on him because he wasn't on parole, and we only handle parole violators. Now, if he gets a jail sentence and is then released on parole/mandatory release and violates his parole...then he's fair game for me ( ... )


frenchpony December 10 2006, 03:03:58 UTC
Geez, the way the AKC names run, you get dogs sounding like Jacobean lordlings. They're just dogs! "Alex" is such a better name. . . are there advantages to AKC registration, or is it a rule or something?


dawn_felagund December 10 2006, 03:10:06 UTC
If you ever get a chance to see the Westminster Kennel Club dog show (it's sometimes on cable TV), watch it just long enough to check out some of the dogs' names. Though I think it must be true of "animal groups" other than AKC because my cousins had a quarterhorse named "Sparks Precious Moon" whose actual name was just "Precious."

The AKC is the organization for purebred dogs, so for Alex to compete in obedience or agility (and he will hopefully do both), he'd have to be registered with them. They also offer a pet-locator service for lost animals as well as pretty darn good pet health insurance at a reasonable cost. So it definitely benefits him to be a member.


tarion_anarore December 10 2006, 04:13:49 UTC
Sorry your fishie died. By betta fish, Fish aka Tito, died too.

Three fights?! Sweet!! I love hockey fights. *grin*

See, when my dog is in trouble, he doesn't get a "full name", he gets curses preceeding his name.

Christmas shopping does get old, unless one finds the perfect gift. My roommate and I just went Christmas shopping, me trying to find a gift for my "secret santa" person that was under $3. She happens to be a crazy person and does not eat candy. At all. O.o

Maybe you should remove the rugs and then let him stay there next time. Or maybe he's whining because he found Finrod. *giggle*

I miss my doggies! :( Dogs really are Tarion's man's best friend.


dawn_felagund December 10 2006, 04:53:45 UTC
Awww...poor Fish! Our stupid betta Earnendil died as well. And before I could try the mirror trick too. Darn.

Three fights?! Sweet!! I love hockey fights. *grin*

Me too! Though I just got off the phone with Bobby, and he informed me that he'd been ejected from his game tonight.... o.O

Or maybe he's whining because he found Finrod.

Alex: "Mommy, why does Uncle Finrod have Uncle Felak bent over in the shower?"

Dawn: "...
Ermmmm...Uncle Felak is helping him find his contact lense, dear."


tarion_anarore December 10 2006, 04:58:26 UTC
Maybe Fish aka Tito and Betta Earendil (ok, that sounds like a protein or something O.o) are doing cool betta tricks at each other in fishy Mandos.

Though I just got off the phone with Bobby, and he informed me that he'd been ejected from his game tonight.... o.O

Lol, oops...

Alex: "Mommy, why does Uncle Finrod have Uncle Felak bent over in the shower?"

Dawn: "...
Ermmmm...Uncle Felak is helping him find his contact lense, dear."

Rofl!!! Contact lense...indeed! Hey wait, Finrod you said you were resisting Felak's advances and not having sex! And no, of course I do not read your private correspondence with Maedhros...


(The comment has been removed)

dawn_felagund December 13 2006, 00:50:39 UTC
*hugs back*

I'm actually the most relaxed I've been in weeks. With the NaNo behind me, I actually write now because I want to, not because I have a goal to meet.

We've been busy, but it's mostly been fun stuff: holiday shows, mini-vacations, and hockey games. And mom and I made about ten pounds of candy on Sunday! *whew*

I have a feeling January will be a bit of a letdown, but it always is.


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