
Dec 16, 2007 10:15

 Sick as a dog here. Blah and I tok the flu shots did not work so well I guess. Anyway so yeah thinking and better off eloping to vegas. Then having family over. Cause dad just keeps inviting more family that I don't know about to this thing. I perfer if there were just strangers and I could just have fun but no I have to make smalltalk to people I ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

thornynightmare December 18 2007, 19:32:30 UTC
We both need a vacaion... Hang in there kiddo


Thanks davidsgirl8414 December 18 2007, 21:29:22 UTC
Thanks chica I feel like crap I climbed onto a balconey just to get at a computer well laptop that was fun believe me. Blessed be!


Re: Thanks thornynightmare December 19 2007, 07:37:32 UTC
that was a very desperate move bob! Lol! I love you chikita


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