
Dec 16, 2007 10:15

 Sick as a dog here. Blah and I tok the flu shots did not work so well I guess. Anyway so yeah thinking and better off eloping to vegas. Then having family over. Cause dad just keeps inviting more family that I don't know about to this thing. I perfer if there were just strangers and I could just have fun but no I have to make smalltalk to people I don't know instead of close friends and family the way I want. I need a tiny vacation to get away before this thing comes to fruitation. So yeah house all nice and warm compared to the chilly weather going outside mucho fun. Had to run back in after getting the dog back for his walk, freezing my bum off. Can't wait for christmas less stress. Now got to sign up for Fasfa or whatever to get a loan from school to do my last semester in miami dade till I transfer. Oh well here is to another semester. Love to all. I am outy.

Blessed Be to all.
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