One of these days I'll update in greater detail. We're enjoying our
new used car,
bethr will visit with her twin boys the day after tomorrow (we'll take the boys to Coney Island on Friday), our interview book is progressing (we've done four interviews so far and are beginning to query literary agents), and Shoshana has
another opening on 7/28.
We're also trying to decide whether to change shuls. We've been members of
Kane Street Synagogue for 20 years, have many friends there but have to drive, while
Park Slope Jewish Center is a short walk from home, has a shorter/more musically interesting/more spiritual service, is more politically progressive, has a more off-center/unconventional membership, but it would mean leaving a community with which we have long standing relationships and forming new ones. Both are egalitarian Conservative synagogues. Shoshana is leaning towards staying at Kane Street, and I am more pro-PSJC.