I'm surprised that you haven't given us pictoriogram imagery of your stars as yet. Or at least some neat cover art for those of us (cough - me) who added this whole series as an audio book to their (cough - my) iPhones!
I have thought about producing some cover art, but have no idea what goes into that. Perhaps I should find some online tutorial or something on what goes into that.
And yeah, I should really see about getting some artwork for this; my own style doesn't really suit this kind of narrative, I think, so I've spoken to a friend of mine whose style would be perfect for it. She keeps saying she'll do it, but a combination of technical difficulties and her own easily-distracted nature prevents her from getting around to it.
Maybe I should make a post asking if anyone with a kind of cartoony style feels like contributing. As of today, I have 200 people who have friended me (a milestone!), and I suspect at least some of them must be capable of it.
The cover art should be simple - why would you need a tutorial, unless I'm missing something? Wouldn't it just be a case of drawing something awesome that comes to mind for a book/album cover for CotRK?
Yeah, I've been getting pretty good at the immersive sound effect use, haven't I?
I don't know if anyone will even notice or not, but the scene on the deck of the ship actually uses a different rain sound effect from the first; the second was recorded outdoors from under an awning and therefore sounded different than the one recorded indoors for the first bit.
You know, details like that escapes me. I only know that the rain effect didn't bother me a single bit and must therefore have been recorded and mastered with I can only describe as skills and intuition.
Will awesomely terrifying signs, carvings and images otherwise be a running theme in the tale of our favourite Lord High Admiral? I'm thinking (hoping) it will.
You know, it's nothing I consciously set out to do, but come to think of it, yes, there is! I can think of at least two more in upcoming chapters, off the top of my head.
From the sounds of things I have more stuff to add to my list of things to draw when bored- pig eating king and potential cover art. Also, it gives me the warm fuzzies that the sketches were received so well. It makes me smile thusly: :3
Actually, come to think of it, your last few chapters have definitely done a good job of having things which really should be created in a visual format, eventually. I'm clearly going to have a list to keep me busy for years to come!
And if only the gunshots had come before the screeching halt I would have guessed Blackhawk had taken a gun to the engines. Then the engines would be shot. (This pun amuses me far more than it should)
Comments 14
And yeah, I should really see about getting some artwork for this; my own style doesn't really suit this kind of narrative, I think, so I've spoken to a friend of mine whose style would be perfect for it. She keeps saying she'll do it, but a combination of technical difficulties and her own easily-distracted nature prevents her from getting around to it.
Maybe I should make a post asking if anyone with a kind of cartoony style feels like contributing. As of today, I have 200 people who have friended me (a milestone!), and I suspect at least some of them must be capable of it.
The cover art should be simple - why would you need a tutorial, unless I'm missing something? Wouldn't it just be a case of drawing something awesome that comes to mind for a book/album cover for CotRK?
The sound effect of the rain made me look at my window, completely confused over the lack of water splashing against it.
I don't know if anyone will even notice or not, but the scene on the deck of the ship actually uses a different rain sound effect from the first; the second was recorded outdoors from under an awning and therefore sounded different than the one recorded indoors for the first bit.
Will awesomely terrifying signs, carvings and images otherwise be a running theme in the tale of our favourite Lord High Admiral? I'm thinking (hoping) it will.
Actually, come to think of it, your last few chapters have definitely done a good job of having things which really should be created in a visual format, eventually. I'm clearly going to have a list to keep me busy for years to come!
And if only the gunshots had come before the screeching halt I would have guessed Blackhawk had taken a gun to the engines. Then the engines would be shot. (This pun amuses me far more than it should)
And hey, if you should wish to bring life to the etchings of Frederick Kingsley, then by all means, go for it. :)
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