Who: Pepper Potts, Heather Lisinski
Where: Beach
When: Early morning
Rating: PG thus far
Status: Finished
Invasion: Sure! Come on in!
Summary: Unable to sleep late into the day, Pepper gets up early to take a swim in the ocean, where she runs into Heather out for a walk. They exchange pleasantries, and find that they actually have a great deal in
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She decided to do a little exploring. She hadn't gotten up to much the night before, preferring to stay close to "home" after she and Sirius parted ways. So, early on her first morning in the strange place called DauphinMare, she found herself walking on the warm sand of the beach. She gazed at the horizon, watching the waves reach up and fall back. She noticed a woman standing at the water's edge, peering out to shore. Heather waved, a smile on her face. "Hi!" She called out to the stranger.
She grabbed a tray and stood in line behind some creature with limbs that were ever so slightly too long. Ogling a little, she turned to exchange a look with Heather.
Grabbing a tray as well as a plate nearby, she surveyed the food in front of her. It strangely did remind her of college dorm food: trays of different foods were strewn out in front of them, made either as bland as possible or as spicy as possible, but never anywhere in the middle of that continuum. "Yum," she muttered. But, looking on the bright side, all of it did look fairly tasty, and her stomach was hungry enough that even bland tasting food would do.
"I don't think I'm ever getting used to that," she said of the locals, eyeballing one behind Heather that looked slightly like a chimp only not quite.
Remembering the last time she'd sat in the cafeteria, she grinned maniacally.
"So, have you run into Laurel yet?" she asked, chuckling, "She's a hoot. Last time I was here, she just plain sat down with us like she owned the place - which, I guess, she sort of does - and started talking to us. It was unreal."
Oh, and she has horns, Pepper thought idly, choosing not to mention this particular point.
Pepper chewed thoughtfully, picking the grapefruit out of her fruit bowl. She detested grapefruit.
"So what are you going to do after breakfast?" she inquired, genuinely curious, "I was just going to lounge around in my room a bit, I think. Stay out of trouble for a bit. Yesterday was a bit too exciting for my liking."
Fruit finished, she picked up her coffee and began to sip, savouring more than she had her last cup, which she'd gulped down as soon as she'd gotten her hot little hands on it.
"If you happen to run into Jake Chambers and Oy, tell them I said hi," Pepper said, somewhat wistfully, thoughts lingering on the rather uncomfortable exchange between Jake and her sometime companion Chase the day before.
"I'm not certain," she admitted, "I ran into them in the dorm common room though, so perhaps the dorms? They'll be together, though, that much I know. Oy is Jake's companion; he looks kind of like a cross between a dog and....I dunno, a lemur maybe? A little off-putting at first, but fine once you get used to him."
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