Stargate Atlantis in a Nutshell

Aug 17, 2005 12:22

This one is for vamplover84 and reginagiraffe who requested it after my Smallville in a Nutshell.

Here in I give you an introduction to Stargate Atlantis with simple pictoral examples. This is by no means a full account of the series so far. It's more an overview of the pilot Rising with some added extras. I got a little carried away with this Nutshell because Atlantis is my current obsession. So there will be two parts simply because I snagged far too many screencaps for just one post. All screencaps are from Atlantica, a very cool site indeed.

Once upon a time there was a city in Antarctica.

Which then flew you do.

Fortunately for us humans, it left some stuff behind.

This stuff was found by Colonel (soon to be Brigadier General) Jack O'Neill because he's the fucking man.

Speaking of fucking Jack...

This is Doctor Daniel Jackson, archaeologist and all around smartypants. He discovers where the city, Atlantis, has flown off to. Bravo Spacemonkey!

This is all you need to know about Stargate SG-1. Lucky you.

This is Doctor Rodney McKay. He's not impressed by you. Anyway, Rodney is an astrophysicist and smartass. You'll find him surprisingly attractive.

Rodney's trying to get everyone he can find to sit in the magic chair that will show him his true love how to work the city.

This is Doctor Carson Beckett. He's the hot Scottish surgeon/geneticist/xenobiologist/whatever medical thing they happen to need this week. He doesn't like alien technology.

But oh look! The chair lights up for Carson! Rodney should be happy. Except in doing so, Carson almost blows up Jack and...

Major John Sheppard. He is a helicopter pilot for the Air Force. (Yes, the Air Force has helicopters, shut up.) John's cool in a dorky way. You'll like him. Why not? Everyone else does. John has a problem with authority and has a history of ignoring orders. Like Jack's "Don't touch anything."

Here we see him flagrantly ignoring that order by touching things with his ass. I could watch that all day.

And of course the magic chair lights up for John. (If you think about it, it's not really that big a deal. I mean, hell, I'd light up for him too.)

Rodney is very excited by this development. Now he has two hot guys that can be his true loves work the city.

This is Doctor Elizabeth Weir. She's in charge of the Atlantis Expedition. She's happy John made the chair light up too. Cause face it, John's hot. Who wouldn't want him along?

Okay explanation time!

This is the Stargate, from which the show is named. You dial it like a phone, step through, endure some expensive special effects, and then pop out the other side on another planet...possibly in another galaxy. Whatever.

So the gang now knows where to go. Yay another galaxy! Along for the ride are:

Lieutenant Aiden Ford is a cutie patootie and go to man. He likes to blow stuff up, and he giggles a lot.

This is Colonel Marshal Sumner. Yes, it's that guy from T2 and The X-Files, or as I like to call him...cannon fodder. He doesn't like John, which just goes to show that something is wrong with him.

There are also a large number of geeks. This is a good thing.

This is Doctor Radek Zelenka. He's Rodney's right hand man and is very cute. He's from the Czech Republic and talks funny. We all live to hear him speak his native language and secretly hope that he's cursing McKay in it.

This is Doctor Kavanagh. He's an asshat. No one likes him. Fandom abhors him. The guy has only been in like 3 episodes, and small bits at that, but boy does he know how to make an impression.

This is Sergeant Bates. He's head of security and has a stick up his ass. If he's not careful, I know a lady that will happily add another up there for him. Anyway, Bates takes his job very seriously and butts heads with John a lot. This again proves that there must be something wrong with him.

So basically...

Rodney and John find love Atlantis.

There's just one problem...

It's under A LOT of water.

Part 2


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