Stargate Atlantis in a Nutshell Part 2

Aug 17, 2005 13:12

Part 1

When last we left the recap, Atlantis was underwater.

But that's okay because it rises.

And rises...

and rises...


Well...they got their effects budget's worth anyway.


John, Ford, and Sumner make new friends and influence people.

This is Teyla. She's the kick ass local girl from the barrio Athos.

John approves and adds her to his harem team.

Unfortunately, she goes and gets snatched by the bad guys. So John has to go rescue her...and Sumner.

So he flirts with asks Rodney for help.

John really, really likes Rodney's suggestion.

John and Ford and some marines go to save the day. In the process, John gets some cool gadgets.

This is a Wraith. They beat the Ancients (the guys that built Atlantis) with "overpowering numbers." And yet they only have one actor to play them.

Remember this guy. You'll be seeing him a lot.

The Wraith suck the life out of you with their hands.

Oops! There goes Sumner.

John shoots him and gets his job! (It's a lot more heroic than it sounds, promise.)

John, still feeling macho, kills the female Wraith. (And that shot isn't phallic in the least. Heh.)

Unfortunately, doing this wakes up all the rest. Oops.

This is John wishing he'd stayed at home. Ford wonders if that shooting and taking over thing will work for him.

But they make it home okay after some space dogfights...

And explosions. You know, the usual.

Basically, all you need to know is...

Atlantis is the city of...



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