Such a Bad Idea [Klavier/Apollo, PG-13]

Apr 24, 2008 19:33

Title: Such a Bad Idea
Pairing: Klavier/Apollo
Written For: PW kink meme!
Type: fluff/humor
Rating: PG-13
Notes: the song is 'Guilty Pleasure', by Cobra Starship.

This was such a bad idea.

One hundred percent, horrible, stupid, BAD idea.

I mean, Trucy was only sixteen! ...He'd said it wasn't a bad club, and - well, if anyone knew the clubs in town, he would - and besides, Trucy was all for it, and she'd been performing in clubs since she was little anyway, but - the point was, Apollo Justice had a bad feeling about this.

Maybe it was just the fact that he was going to be at a club, with Klavier, and - Apollo STAMPED on that idea, stomped all over it and flattened it and tossed it right out the mental window. He was NOT getting nervous because Klavier in a club meant an almost-certain turn on. Nope. Not at all.

So now he just had to figure out what to wear. Sigh. This was such a bad idea.

{ + }

"Fraulein Magician, Herr Forehead! I'm so glad you could make it." Klavier leaned forward and smiled, somehow he'd found them only seconds after stepping into the club. "Fraulein Detective has already found a table... follow me." He cocked his head and beckoned with one hand, and Apollo and Trucy had no choice but to stay close as they followed. There were a lot of people.

And thus giving Apollo a rather nice view. Not that Klavier didn't always look fantastic, but today he was wearing a rather well-fitting tank top - those were some lovely shoulder muscles he had - and leather pants. Leather pants.

This was such a bad idea.

He'd left the hair gel out of his hair. Which meant that, though he still had those two stupid antennae that he could never get rid of, the rest of his hair was falling down naturally, and brushing over his oft-mentioned forehead. He was dressed simply - a dark red shirt, jeans - and automatically felt inadequate next to the stunningly attractive Klavier Gavin.

"Here." Klavier gestured to a small booth, where Ema was sitting in one corner, legs crossed, sipping at a suspiciously bright-colored drink. That had more than a few decorations (most of which he suspected did not come with the drink). She looked different without her silly glasses - a lot older. And scarier. Gulp.

"Hi Detective Skye!" Leave it to Trucy to be cheerful as always. "You look really pretty!"

Ema blinked. "What? I do!?"

"Scientifically speaking, of course!" Trucy bounced on the balls of her feet - she wasn't wearing her usual magician's outfit, but her frilly blue dress still had the feeling of being over the top and out of place.

Ema laughed. "All right, all right." She patted the booth next to her, and Trucy took the invitation gladly, bouncing into the seat. Apollo sat on her other side, much less... energetically.

Klavier leaned his palms on the table. "Can I get drinks for my lovely Fraulein and Forehead?"

"Er..." Apollo hesitated.

"Yes please!" Trucy chirped. "I want a shirley temple. With two cherries!"

Klavier chuckled, smiling. "Ja, ja. And you, Forehead?"

When had he stopped being 'Herr'? "Um, just a coke, thanks."

"Nothing stronger?" he said in that exact same tone of voice.

"No thanks." Apollo had gotten smashed once, the week he turned 21. He wasn't going to try that again.

"All right." Klavier nodded, then turned to push through the crowd on his way to the bar. Mein Gott. This was such a good idea. Forehead looked adorable, and Klavier was caught between equally strong desires to cuddle him and pinch his cheeks... and ravish him into a wall. Ach. Decisions.

This was such a good idea.

{ + }

He came back to the table with the drinks, only to find the Frauleins had disappeared, and there was a strange man talking to Apollo. And two things immediately caught his eye.

Apollo was smiling in a very friendly way, and... the stranger was wearing a cravat. IN A CLUB. Who wears a cravat in a club?

"Guten abend, herren. To whom do I owe this pleasure?" POSSESSIVE EYES. These were his possessive, jealous eyes.

But the man chuckled, and shook his head slightly, as if to say 'no worries there'. "You must be Klavier. My name is Miles Edgeworth; I just happened to come across a familiar face."

Miles... Edgeworth?? Klavier's expression clearly showed his surprise. Of course he'd heard of Miles Edgeworth, the prosecutor's office still never shut up about him, even though it had been years and years since he'd resigned. "Ah... yes. Hello." His brain stumbled around. "I'm Klavier Gavin, prosecutor..."

"Yes. I've heard quite a lot about you," Edgeworth said, the edge of his gray eyes crinkling with mirth. "All of it positive. I must say, I'm quite impressed."

Ach. Verflucht. Klavier felt his ears turning pink from the praise, so different fromt he usual compliments. "Ah... danke, Ankläger," he muttered, reverting to German in his flustering.

"Bitte. But I am no longer a prosecutor." He grinned, and Klavier felt even more out of place.

"Forehead." He turned to Apollo, an intense look in his eyes. "Come, dance with me."

Apollo sputtered. "What?!"

"Dance. Danser. Tanzen." He held a hand out, smiling. "Unless you intend to sit there all night?"

"But... but...!"

Edgeworth grinned. "Don't worry; I'll watch the table for you. My partner hasn't shown up yet, I'm sure he'll be able to find me here."


"Now, now, Forehead. No resisting." He grabbed ahold of Apollo's hand and pulled him out of his seat, easily, and started tugging him towards the dance floor.

"But... Klavier! I don't dance!"

"Ja, ja. That's what they all say." He tossed a crooked grin over one shoulder. "No matter. I do."

"But..." And Apollo ran out of complaints, and let Klavier drag him.

This was such a bad idea.

{ + }

/ And I came here to make you dance tonight... I don't care about my guilty pleasure for you. /

They were packed in tight - so many people and not enough room, and Klavier was far too close to him. The prosecutor didn't seem to mind, though, and as the beat picked up Apollo couldn't help a shiver. Klavier was as good a dancer as expected.

/ And I don't even know what kind of fool you're taking me for. So you've got some brand new clothes you never could afford before... /

Oof. Someone shoved him from behind, throwing them together and Klavier snaked an arm around his waist, keeping him there for a second before sliding away and moving to the beat. Apollo felt his heart take a sudden leap, hand clutched convulsively in his shirt and his bracelet tightened around his wrist, but this time it was just reacting to his own nervous tension.

/ Oh brother, spare us all! We don't care anymore. We just wanna get down on the floor. You sell yourself to make it... You can dish it, but can you really take it? /

Klavier brushed his nose against Apollo's ear, causing the other to jerk in surprise. "Come now, Forehead. Dance with me."

/ You're never gonna get it with nothing, 'cause nothing's what you've got in your head. /

/ So stop pretending... /

As another shiver coursed his body, Apollo found himself reacting before he had a chance to think... moving, shifting with him, against him, around him, and from the smile on his face, Klavier had no objections.

/ I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you~ Shut up! 'Cause we won't stop, and we're getting down 'til the sun comes up... /

/ I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you~ Shut up! 'Cause we won't stop, and we're getting down 'til the sun comes up - Oh! /

"I thought you said you couldn't dance," Klavier murmured rather breathlessly in Apollo's ear.

"No..." He was short of breath himself, lightheaded and dizzy. "I just said I didn't dance."

"Klugscheißer." Klavier bit at the edge of his ear.

"Aah!" Apollo shivered. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Smartass." The blond smirked, then trailed his hands down Apollo's sides. "I love it."

/ And I don't even read what the paper's gotta say about me. Oh, no I can't believe they take it so serious. (Seriously). /

/ I'm so bored, oh, please, don't talk anymore, shut your mouth and get down on the floor! /

/ So cynical. Poor baby, I can dish it 'cause I know how to take it. /

They fell silent then, moved against each other... Klavier's hands crawled down the back of Apollo's pants and he pulled them tight together, and Apollo leaned up to try that same ear-nibble on Klavier's ear, elicting a soft shudder.

/ Oh, oh, you're never gonna win 'em all... so fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. I'm just playin'~ /

It felt so good, dancing with him, teasing, watching the way his eyes darkened and knowing he had the prosecutor's full attention. They had more room now - people shifted away, glanced, kept watching because frankly? It was hot.

Except now... they didn't really need the extra room.

/ I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you~ Shut up! 'Cause we won't stop, and we're getting down 'til the sun comes up... /

/ I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you~ Shut up! 'Cause we won't stop, and we're getting down 'til the sun comes up - Oh! /

Then Klavier leaned in to Apollo's ear as the song pulled back for the bridge, and softly sang along in his ear.

"And maybe someday I'll believe..."

He felt a shiver again, but it was a different kind of shiver - a shiver that started from the region of his heart.

"...that we are all a part of some bigger plan." Klavier nuzzled against the side of Apollo's head, smiling. "Tonight I just don't give a damn..."

He pulled away a little, and Apollo felt his breath leave him, from the sheer warmth of Klavier's smile. "...If the world is ending..."

/ ...I'm throwing the party! /

"...Ich liebe dich."

/ I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you~ Shut up! 'Cause we won't stop, and we're getting down 'til the sun comes up... /

Klavier felt his jaw drop. He didn't... he didn't just...

Apollo winked. He'd asked Mr. Edgeworth how to say that one a long time ago.

/ I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you~ Shut up! 'Cause we won't stop, and we're getting down 'til the sun comes up... /

"Liebe auch. Klugscheißer!!" He grabbed Apollo's hands and spun him around, still grinning.

Apollo just laughed. "You love it."

"...Ja. I most definitely do."

{ + }

Phoenix watched, unable to help a silly grin as the two younger lawyers danced. "Aw, happy endings all around. Kinda makes you want to be out on the dance floor, huh?"

Miles Edgeworth raised an eyebrow. "...No, actually. It does not."

Chuckle. "Come on, Miles! It'd be fun."

"Oh, most assuredly." This was his sarcastic voice.

"Oh, don't give me that. I know you can dance. I've seen it." He smirked a little.

"Of course I can dance. I'm not the one to worry about." He tapped his fingers on the table.

Phoenix laughed. "I dance great!"

"...You dance as well as you play the piano, love."

Another laugh was all that statement elicited. "Come on. I haven't seen you dance in years. It'll be good for you."

Snort. "There are many things I do not do that are 'good for me', and yet..." Edgeworth trailed off, staring at Phoenix's outstretched hand. He opened his mouth to protest again... but lost it somewhere in his partner's big brown eyes.

Sigh. This was such a bad idea...

fanfiction, klavier/apollo

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