-A few hours later-
fffffffff. Didn't end up doing much in 2D class after all; I stalked
luceti for half an hour and then napped for another half an hour. Worked for half an hour, and for the other hour and a half I don't remember what I did
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Comments 20
R-really? ... ;_____; T-thank you so much! Just let me know if you want anything, though it'll probably be done after my deadline. ^_^; Speaking of which, I never really learned the type of ships you prefer more... Me and Krii both have a terrible penchant for snark. XD;;;
You sound like you'd make a good Japan tbh. (b'_')b or Korea. XDD HAHAHA I'M FLAT TOO. I'M PROBABLY LIEK, 1/2 TO A. WE'RE SO AZN. 8Db
(I'm probably stupid, but I don't see anything off... ^_^;)
I'll leave you to guess. I usually forget to put one or two onto friending memes, though...so that's not a complete list at all.
Krii is so glad your Manifesto is coming together. <3
I'll do my best ;-;
Go with Star Ocean 4.
It has more lolis It's the better game.
See! Cosplay group is forming! XD
I'll love you for it. ;-;
ffffffff go find a russian
Did you download it somewhere or just watched online? I'm currently looking for downloads especially rapidshare. Anyway, I've only read two chapters or something. The only characters that appear in it are Italy, Geramny and...Japan, I think. I LOVE DEUTSCHLAND, OF COURSE. 8D /not biased
Anyhow, weird series but seems really fun. And it's so freaking popular like whoa right now.
[2]I haven't played either of these, but from what I know and from what everyone tells me, Star Ocean is the much better game. So you should probably get it.
[4]I'd be sooooo willing to do it. I like doing beta'ing ;But my English is uh, pretty lacking and worse than yours, so I doubt that I'd be of any help ( ... )
Sounds hawt :0
1. My friend downloaded them directly off of AnimeEden. They have 9/26 episodes, and they're like 25MB each because they're 5 min long. :| You need an account, but I'm pretty sure that's the site.
2. Everyone said SO4 - looks like it wins by a far shot. :|b
4. Well, the grammar and spelling aren't as big of an issue as whether or not my actual POINTS AND EXAMPLES make sense, so as long as you can read and comment on something in english (which you clearly do), it'll be awesome if you can take a look. ;-;
It is very hawt 8O
[1]Alriiiight, thanks ♥ I found the site, but it seems like it has some maintance problem right now, but that's probably gonna get fixed soon, so I'll download these. And 5 mins long? I'll be done with these in no time.
[2]I want SO4 too, for Faize the Woman. He is a fabulous person.
[4]Ohhhhh, that should be fine then 8D My Easter break starts...haha, next week so I'll definitely be able to take a look. Or maybe even over the weekend or something. SO YES YOU CAN COUNT ON ME EVEN THOUGH SOMETIMES I TAKE AGES TO DO STUFF.
Well that would be very amazing ;__; ♥♥♥ I'LL ALWAYS ACCEPT EMILIA AND CABBAGES
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