-A few hours later-
fffffffff. Didn't end up doing much in 2D class after all; I stalked
luceti for half an hour and then napped for another half an hour. Worked for half an hour, and for the other hour and a half I don't remember what I did
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R-really? ... ;_____; T-thank you so much! Just let me know if you want anything, though it'll probably be done after my deadline. ^_^; Speaking of which, I never really learned the type of ships you prefer more... Me and Krii both have a terrible penchant for snark. XD;;;
You sound like you'd make a good Japan tbh. (b'_')b or Korea. XDD HAHAHA I'M FLAT TOO. I'M PROBABLY LIEK, 1/2 TO A. WE'RE SO AZN. 8Db
(I'm probably stupid, but I don't see anything off... ^_^;)
I'll leave you to guess. I usually forget to put one or two onto friending memes, though...so that's not a complete list at all.
Tru, though, I know what you mean. D: My otp's just so deeply rooted within me that it's impossible to leave it behind no matter where I go... ~_~;;;
Scans for those were done by chiyo_sama, so a separate credit for her should be in order too.
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