Title: Luminous Dust
Author: Dolly (
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Anakin/Obi-Wan
Timeframe: post RotS AU
Summary: coming soon. maybe! ^^;;
Spoilers: possibly for RotS
Warnings: Contains slash and mentions of mature themes, but nothing explicit.
Notes: This is the sequel to my story What Comes of It, which can be found
HERE. So you'll probably
Read more... )
Comments 18
Oh and is this Jade as in Mara Jade? Or maybe we'll find out later... I did like her interaction with Obi-Wan and here's hoping they'll meet again.
As for Thrawn I don't know anything about him except he's blue and that he's a character from the EU.
I am very interested in knowing how this turns out.
So Anakin is going to kill them all for hurting Obi-Wan. hehe I like dark Anakin. He is so fierce in love. I hope to see them reunite soon.
But as always, I love how the story is progressing. I love how Obi-Wan is forbidden redemption for Anakin. Anakin seems torn between what makes him a better person and what he knows he doesn't deserve. I love how he is afraid to love Obi-Wan because he knows Obi-Wan will love him conditionally, unlike Padme. As soon as that topic came up I knew you were planning something heinous for Anakin.
The poor thing. His salvation will become his downfall like so many times before. However, my fingers are crossed for at least an not too troubled ending. I saw you have another story. So I can at least keep happy thoughts...for now.
One more thing: Malen. Oh my goodness. "Pretty whore," that is awful. I wished right then and there Ani was there to choke him...like Vader did in Episode IV.
I'm glad you like how I'm taking the story, and don't worry -- I don't like dire, gloomy endings, even in darker stories. ;)
And Anakin's pissed off, so even if Obi-Wan can't be convinced, the're planning on killing him and Vader starting a war with the Rebels to keep the Empire going until Jade and Thrawn can overthrow him and take power for themselves?
Thanks for the great chapter. Love Anakin just rushing off for his love. He'd always do it in a heartbeat for Obi-Wan ♥
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