fic: All I Want for Christmas (part 1/3)

Dec 23, 2009 07:12

Title: All I Want for Christmas (part 1/3)

Author: darthbatgirl

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Characters: Kon/Tim, Cassie/Kara, Zachery Zatara, Dick/Babs, Jason/Cassandra, Stephanie, Damian, the Titans, Bruce/Clark, Ma & Pa Kent, Alfred, Chris Kent, Krypto

Summary: As the Wayne and Kent families spend the holidays together, Kon and Tim try and figure out their place in each other's lives.

Word Count: 2804

Warnings: fluff, angst, boy kisses

A/N: This is my present of all of my friends for the holidays. Hope everyone's holiday is great. This follows this drabble and is also for dcu_freeforall's Winter Holiday Challenge using the prompts holiday party and mistletoe, and for bradygirl_12  Glitter Winter Holiday Challenge and her Cast of Thousands!!!

“Happy Holidays Kon-El!” Starfire beamed as she gave Kon a hug and a chaste kiss on the cheek. Kon grinned as he returned the grin and hug.

“Merry Christmas Kory,” he smiled.

“Here,” she said as she presented Kon with a small bag. “I was your Secret Santa. Open it up!”

With a word of thanks Kon took the bag and took the tissue out, to reveal a small blue flower in a pot.

“It's a Tamaran Morning Glory,” Starfire explained. “I thought it would grow nicely on your farm.”

“It's beautiful. Thank you Kory,” Kon said as he gave a one arm hug. “Ma'll love it.”

“It has the added bonus of keeping down the rodent population,” She said.

“That's . . .great. Thanks so much,” Kon said looking at the plant as if at any time it would start nibbling on his fingers.

With a final thanks Kon took his new plant and wandered around the large rec room. Jingle Bell Rock seemed to resonate throughout Titan's Tower. Sparkling lights and green and silver garland seemed to bedeck every available surface and a large Christmas tree took up a corner of the room. The dance floor was crowed - with all of two dancers. Beast Boy and Miss Martian were dancing away, Gar as a green octopus and Megan as some many tentacled creature from space.

The Titans annual holiday party was in full swing. Titans past, present, and future were all in attendance. Roy and Wally's kid were chasing each other around the room, Cassie and Kara were giggling about something with Donna, Bart was having a conversation with Rose - who was actually smiling softly, and Garth was introducing himself to some of the newer Titans like Static Shock. Surprisingly the Bat crew was here in full force. Nightwing and Oracle were talking with Cyborg, Jason and Cassandra were held up in a corner sharing a cup of punch. Stephanie was was admiring the tree with Cissie and Greta - it was odd seeing her in the new Batgirl outfit instead of the old eggplant outfit of Spoiler, but it suited her Kon thought. Kon personally got a great deal of enjoyment watching Chris try and talk Damian into trying some of the eggnog. The little Bat brat seemed to be outraged just being there, let alone to find himself with a new friend.

Kon's eye slid over to the corner to where Tim had been holding up most of the party. Right now he was talking to Zatara. He pointedly ignored the flash of jealousy as Zatara dipped his head closer to whisper something in Tim's ear. He knew that Tim and Zachery had a relationship while Kon was gone, and that had mellowed down to a friendship.

Kon was fine with it, really he was. Really. Though he did wondered why did Tim always end up being friends with his exs? Wasn't the rule that you had to be pissed at your ex for at least a year or so?

Kon put his plant down and walked over and plastered a smile on his face. “Happy Holidays Zach.,”

“Superboy, how have your holidays been so far?” Zach said keeping his voice pleasant.

“Not bad, school wrapping up for the semester so I'll be free until New Years. How about you?” Kon said refraining from wrapping an arm around Tim and act like a possessive jerk.

“That's nice I'll be busy with sold out shows from now until at least Valentine's Day,” Zach said in an imperial tone. “ I almost had to decline in coming tonight.”

Kon could tell Tim was rolling his eyes. “Except that you promised to come, and you wouldn't break your promise right?”

“No more than you,” Zach said with a smirk. “Well I made my appearance and now must be going, Merry Christmas Superboy.” he said as he tipped his hat toward Tim and then disappeared into the crowd.

Kon looked after Zatara for a moment wondering if he'd be able to trip him up with his TTK. “So what you go there?” Kon asked as he looked down at the book Tim was holding.

Tim held up the brown leather book he had, showing it to Kon. “Second edition of 'A Christmas Carol', Zach gave it to me. He was my Secret Santa.”

“Cool, I got a plant from Kory that might eat the livestock,” Kon said, “So you were planning on not showing up tonight?”

Tim ducked his head down and scruff his foot on the floor. “ . . .I was thinking about making an excuse why I couldn't come. But Dick was insistent that everyone had to come and then Damian threw a fit about how he had to come when I was staying home.”

Kon gave a crooked smile as they lapsed into silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Kon cast a sideways glance at Tim. He didn't miss that Tim had been moving stiffly all night, he still hadn't recovered from his injuries from a few weeks ago Tim had been injured called to him to come get him, and without question Kon had taken Tim back to Smallville to tend to him. He could still see the bruise on Tim's cheek (though that could just be because Kon knew it was there.)

For what seemed like months now, the two had been dancing around each other. Falling into bed with each other and clinging to each other for love and support one moment and then acting if they were almost strangers the next.

Kon loved Tim and he knew Tim loved him. They just didn't know what to do with it. They didn't know how to talk to each other, to say the things that needed to be said, and Tim's inner daemons were drowning him.

Kon just hoped he was strong enough to keep Tim afloat.

A bit of green caught Kon's eye and just as quickly a plan formed and he was pulling Tim after him. He lead the way through the happy party goers until they were standing under the mistletoe that was hanging over the door frame.

He looked down at Tim who was looking at him as if he had grown a second head. He gave a crooked smile as he cupped Tim's face with both hands and claimed his kiss. The moment his lips brushed over Tim's, the young vigilante just melted into him. Kissing back with a heat and insistence that Kon happily followed, he wrapped on arm around Tim's waist and pulled him closer till not a bit of space was between them.

It seemed like the kiss lasted both an eternity and was over way to soon. They parted as slowly possible, the pounding of their combined hearts drowned out everything for Kon until he felt Tim stiffen in his arms. Slowly the rest of the room came into focus. The music had stopped and everyone attention was on Kon and Tim. The looks on the watching faces ranged from knowing smirks to outright shock and surprise. The face that Kon wasn't thrilled to see was Nightwing's face as he was making his way over to them - full on over-protective big brother mode.

“Uh . . . .hey Dick,” Kon said uneasily. “Merry Christmas?”

* * * * * *

Kara and Cassie sat cross legged on the couch in the apartment of Clark Kent. Kon was currently sitting on the floor looking miserable with Krypto's head in his lap enjoying the absentminded petting Kon was doing.

The girls gave each other a look and then Cassie offered, “It's really . . .not that bad right Kon?”

Kon let out a gutsy sigh as he scratched behind Krypto's ear getting a happy sigh as thanks, “Well I dragged Tim under mistletoe and kissed him in front of everyone - pretty much outing us to everyone when I don't even know if there is a us, he hasn't returned any of my calls, and I'm pretty sure that Nightwing wants to give me some kryptonite for Christmas. So I'm pretty sure it's that bad.”

“Well if it helps any, I think pretty much everyone knew that there was something between you two,” Kara said with a small smile.

Kon snorts, “Well at least someone has a clue to what's going on between us, because really​? I don't.”

Cassie smiled understandingly and went over and hugged her friend. “Don't worry, Tim will come around. I see how you two are together. I can't imagine you not together.”

“Sure,”Kara said as she sat next to Krypto. “You just haven't had the chance of getting him in the right environment. You just need some time alone together, something that doesn't involve people shooting at you or patching up some wound.”

“Sounds good,” Kon said, “but exactly when am I going to find that?”

“Will tomorrow work?” a voice said from the doorway.

The three of them looked up to see Clark standing there smiling.

“Clark, you're back!” Kara said, “How is Ma and Pa?”

“And what do you mean by tomorrow?” Kon asked reddening a little knowing Clark had heard them talking about his troubles with Tim.

“Well I got some good news and bad news,” Clark said as he came into the room and sat down. “The bad news is that some water pipes burst in the basement at the farm house, causing some flooding and it shorted out the electrical box so there's no power either. It'll be weeks till the workmen can get out there to fix it all and due to the Christmas holiday, the Smallville hotel is packed solid until after New Years.”

“So why don't we just fix it?” Kon asked. “It's not like we haven't done stuff like that before.”

“And how does Ma and Pa explain how all of that got repaired over night? No they'll just have to wait for it to get repaired the normal way unfortunately.” Clark said.

“So what are we suppose to do for Christmas?” Kara asked.

“Well funny thing that.” Clark said with a ghost of a smile on his lips. “We've all been invited to spend the holidays at Wayne Manor.”

The three young people looked up at Clark with surprise on their faces. “Wayne Manor?” Cassie asked.

“For the holidays?” Kara continued.

“With Tim?” Kon breathed.

“Yes, yes, and yes,” Clark said, a full grin on his face, “Bruce was very insistent when he heard about it, even called Ma up and invited her personally. Bruce makes it very difficult to say no when he wants something . . . besides it would be fun to have both sides of the family together for the holidays.”

Kon sat there considering what the holidays with Tim could be like, perhaps a little Christmas romance is just what they both needed.

* * * * * *

Kon never realized the driveway up to Wayne Manor was so long. It seemed that they just kept driving after passing through the gates until finally they finally saw the manor looming before them. Actually Kon couldn't remember a time where he in fact had entered the mansion from the front door, all the other times he had followed Tim up from the cave.

Kon is shaken from his thoughts as the car pulled to a stop. Everyone spilled out of the car, Clark, Ma, and Pa headed to the door, while Kon, Kara, and Chris went to unload the trunk, and Krypto spent his time running back and forth between the car and the house until Kon whistled and told him to heel.

The doors opened moments after Clark pushed the bell and a Alfred Pennyworth greeted them with a smile.

“Master Clark, Mr and Mrs Kent, it's wonderful to see you all. I hope your trip was pleasant.” Alfred said.

“The drive was nice, thanks Alfred,” Clark clapping Alfred on the shoulder.

“Alfred,” Jonathon said smiling and shaking the butler's hand. “Good to see you again.”

“And you Jonathon. Perhaps later I could tempt you into a game of backgammon,” Alfred said beaming.

“I think that could be arranged,” Jonathon said matching Alfred's smile.

Martha rolled her eyes as she came up and gave Alfred a hug. “I'm not going to see either one of you now am I? You'll start one of your games and it'll last until after New Years.”

Alfred returned Martha's hug and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I highly doubt that, after all we have a Christmas dinner to plan don't we Martha?”

“A Christmas dinner planned by both Alfred Pennyworth and Martha Kent? Hope I get invited,” a voice said. They turn to see Bruce walking down the stairs, followed by a very sullen looking Damian. Bruce gave a warm smile as he began shaking hands with his guests. “Martha, Jonathon wonderful to see you both again. Thank you so much for accepting my invitation.”

Martha blushed a little as Bruce pulled her into a one arm hug and kissed her lightly on the cheek, “Well you did make it hard to say no Bruce.”

Bruce chuckled softly, “That was my intent. Kon, Kara, Chris, nice seeing you all a gain. The boys have been excited that you were coming.” Kon glanced over at Damian to see the kid's features darken and bit his lower lip to refrain from commenting on his father's statement and almost chuckled. Seemed that not even the Little Prince was going to ruin Bruce's holiday plans.

“Clark . . .” Bruce said as he greeted the last member of their group, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers together.

“Hey Bruce, “ Clark said softly. “Thank you again for this. Should be fun huh?”

“I'm planning it to be,” Bruce said as he tugged Clark closer to his side.”Come on lets get everyone settled in their rooms.

* * * * *

Kon looked out of the window of his room at the snow covered gardens. Even covered in snow Wayne Manor was beautiful. A soft knock on the door got Kon's attention, he turned around to see Tim standing there with a hesitant look on his face. “Can I come in?” he asked

“Uh . . . sure . . . I mean YES! . . .Uh, yeah come on in,” Kon said as he stumbled over his words.

Tim's smile shone in his eyes as he walked in and sat down on the bed. “Thought I'd come by to make sure you had everything you needed.”

“Yeah, I'm fine. I think this room is half the size of the farm house,” Kon joked as he sat down next to Tim.

Tim chuckled, “Bruce never does anything by half.”

“I'm glad you came by,” Kon said as he looked down at his hands. In fact Kon was almost expecting Tim to try to avoid him the entire time was here. “ I want to say I was sorry. Ya know about what happened at the party - the kiss.”

“You're sorry that you kissed me?” Tim said as he stiffened and turned away from Kon, hurt clear in his voice..

“No!” Kon said as he reached out and grabbed Tim's arm. “I'm sorry that it turned into such a mess! I just wanted to . . to . . .I just wanted . . .”

“Show me how you felt?” Tim finished up as he leaned back into Kon.

“Yeah,” Kon said as he ran his hand through Tim's hair and leaned in so his forehead was resting against Tim's. Tim reached up and traced Kon's lower lip with his thumb.

“FATHER!! The mongrel got in my room!” Damian bellowed from down the hall.

Kon looked up with a started at Damian's cry, With a quick look he saw that Krypto had made himself at home in the middle of Damian's bed and was now looking at the little bat with a definite bored look on his face.

Kon grinned and turned back to Tim, only to see him slipping out the room and down the hall. With a sigh Kon fell back onto the bed, it wasn't the start he had wanted, but it was a start.

zatara, batgirl iii, damian, stephanie, alred, kara, bruce, batman, babs, wonder girl, batgirl ii, superman, clark, kon, nightwing, cass/jason, oracle, dick/babs, kon/tim, bruce/clark, cassie, tim, superboy, supergirl, robin, red hood, dick, jason, ma & pa kent, krypto, cassie/kara, chris kent

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