Title: How Many Astrophysicists...
Summary: I really should have been paying attention, John told himself as he sat on a cracked Ancient console, gun on his lap, watching the foot-high water lap at the soles of his boots.
Characters: John/Rodney.
Rating: G this chapter, PG total
Word Count: 3,180 this part, around 8,000 in total
Notes: Part one of
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Comments 16
Hilarious, but you know that one day Rodney is really going to make good on this threats and one Lt.Colonel might be sorry. LOL. Great fic.
*content, slightly evil smile*
I love making writers write things. (And I fully recognize that I am JUST as susceptible, so that makes it all OK.)
My favourite quote: "Yes, yes--clearly our assumption that you couldn't get yourself into any trouble standing by yourself in a hallway was deeply misguided," McKay said with heavy sarcasm.
*grins* one of my favorites, too :)
Just cause you asked so nicely, I'll give you a clip:
Rodney had stopped frowning at the readout on his tablet computer in favor of steadily staring at him, all defensive and prickly. His face was red, lips set in such a thin line that John was sure it was talking all of Rodney's concentration not to say anything, not to dignify what he was sure to think of as a childish joke with a response. John could tell that McKay was waiting for him to say something first, so he stalled by tracking his flashlight up towards the ceiling and trying unsuccessfully to think the lights on.
"Hey!" John gave in, finally, spreading his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "I could have said 'How many Canadian astrophysicists..." He took an unconscious step backwards as he peered at one of the dormant light fixtures, trying ( ... )
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