Title: How Many Astrophysicists...
Summary: I really should have been paying attention, John told himself as he sat on a cracked Ancient console, gun on his lap, watching the foot-high water lap at the soles of his boots.
Characters: John/Rodney.
Rating: G this chapter, PG total
Word Count: 3,180 this part, around 8,000 in total
Notes: Part one of
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Comments 16
He caught Ronon's eye as the Satedan nodded at him and turned away
...but if you don't think it's strong enough, I suppose I can change it to 'turned to walk away' because that's what it's meant to stand for.
Sorry to disrupt your imaginings, though! Since I didn't say where he went, you could always imagine he stayed nearby and peeked in the doorway :)
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