Title: Smoke In Her Eyes 1/1
Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, Paul Kellerman
Type: Double Drabble
Category: PWP, Smut, AU, Ménage à trios
Rating: NC-17
Length: 200 words
Summary: He never expected this, but if Sara was up to it…
Author's Note: Written for the 2009 Hiatus Challenge #1, Dirty Double Drabble, at pbhiatus_fic. This takes
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Comments 7
Thanks for this !!! hot !
I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*grins delightedly*
I love the trilogy of Ménage à trios, Jules. Hot.
It's in keeping with the idea that Paul is a support (but goddamn sexy) and Sara is the focus. Obv. Michael is a recipient too.
I guess my initial problem with this when I wrote was that Kellerman would NEVER have given of himself for NOTHING (in canon). This is what CRUDE AU is about though, innit? Making stuff up.
and we only had 200 words to play with, so...?
Love your take on it. Menage, FTW.
I wanted to write and write and explore what each was getting out of it - but I was limited to Michael's POV and the word count.
But still...SMUT is SMUT.
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Well, I thought it would be good to tie the two pieces you and Rosie wrote together.
Plus, there's just something really hot about a gun and sex. Which reminds me, I have a fic on my laptop which I wrote over a year ago which involves kman and a gun...hmmm, I may have to finish it...
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