Prison Break Fic

Jan 08, 2009 00:43

Title: Smoke In Her Eyes 1/1
Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, Paul Kellerman
Type: Double Drabble
Category: PWP, Smut, AU, Ménage à trios
Rating: NC-17
Length: 200 words
Summary: He never expected this, but if Sara was up to it…
Author's Note: Written for the 2009 Hiatus Challenge #1, Dirty Double Drabble, at pbhiatus_fic. This takes place in the rude au episode of 2.10 Rendezvous created by
rosie_spleen in her fic  Gimme  and continued in
poisonshades fic  If You're On A Mission (You Got My Permission).

Michael slides carefully onto the bed, moving backwards slowly to allow Sara’s form to shift with him, sliding first one leg up along his then the other.  Her hands gripping his face ensure his focus stays with her caramel gaze and he obliges her easily, the rasp of her nails along his bristled jaw sending shivers down his spine.

He’s not sure whether either of them knows just how much he takes in, but he lets her guide him down with one hand on his chest, just as the agent guides her, the glint of the metal of his gun just visible behind her shoulder.

Then her mouth is devouring his and he loses himself in the sensation of the feel of denim against the back of his long fingers, contrasting so severely with the silk of her thighs.

He knows the instant the gun hits the bed beside them, though he does not pull his gaze away from her face as she closes her smoldering eyes and rides him in wild abandon.

And as she collapses against him, the bright eyes of the fiend merely meet his, ignoring the gun now lifted against him; he steals into the night.

michael, sara, smoke in her eyes, pbfic, skybelpb, kellerman

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