Title: Fallen Angels
Author: SkyBelpb
Chapter: One
Characters: Michael, Sara, Lincoln, Paul...every character up to the end of s2
Category: Alternate Universe
Rating: R, NC-17
Warnings: Adult themes and language, sexual situations, drug use, violence, character death, work-in-progress
Summary: Michael and Lincoln have been separated for centuries and now
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Comments 24
*hugs you*
You already know how much I love this fic, don'tcha? And I'm thrilled that it will now have an even wider audience!! :)
And your first poster?!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm not normally the first at anything so...*preens vainly*
Seriously, I'm thrilled!! :)
And to make sure peeps see this wonderful fic because I'm sure there will be plenty who will love it when they do read it, with your permission can I rec it in my own journal? Given that pamalax and I have written a vampy tale recently (slashy fang!! *blushes*) it would kind of seem right to rec another vampy tale! Especially one as good as Fallen Angels!!
But I didn't know about your vamp fic and since I like yours and pamalax's work, I'll go read it too.
And while I'm not the world's #1 expert in LJ if I can help at all just say! I'm okay with simple stuff!! :)
Oh, and I'm notoriously slow so don't think I'm not bothered if you don't hear from me for a week or more!! I do care and I'll get there eventually!!
Anyway, welcome!! ♥
welcome to LJ, its a crazy, funny life here and it does take a while to get used to it. Having started a year ago, a couple of people helped me out, while others happily ignored me. Dont take it too personally, but if you need help, let someone know.
Your first chapter is really good and very addictive. I hope to follow along whenever possible, and I have to say that your font here is excellent for the more mature eyes.
i never give chocolate, but here are two icons you might like to steal. This one is made by mercurybard
Welcome and have loads of fun
I notice you added me to your friends list, and hope you dont mind if I do the same?
Do I mind that you added me to your friends list? Hells yeah! What'd you do that for? Seriously, why would I mind, I friended you afterall in the hopes that you would be my friend
*puppy eyes*
*reaslises you already friended me so no need for puppy eyes*
Anyway, I just thought I'd stop by and say welcome to PB fandom! I heard about you from domfangirl. I hope you enjoy your stay here, this is one wonderful fandom with significant amount of talented writers, who've all been amazingly welcoming and nice to me all the way - I'm sure you'll get the same treatment as well.
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