Title: Fallen Angels
Author: SkyBelpb
Chapter: One
Characters: Michael, Sara, Lincoln, Paul...every character up to the end of s2
Category: Alternate Universe
Rating: R, NC-17
Warnings: Adult themes and language, sexual situations, drug use, violence, character death, work-in-progress
Summary: Michael and Lincoln have been separated for centuries and now
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*hugs you*
You already know how much I love this fic, don'tcha? And I'm thrilled that it will now have an even wider audience!! :)
And your first poster?!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm not normally the first at anything so...*preens vainly*
Seriously, I'm thrilled!! :)
And to make sure peeps see this wonderful fic because I'm sure there will be plenty who will love it when they do read it, with your permission can I rec it in my own journal? Given that pamalax and I have written a vampy tale recently (slashy fang!! *blushes*) it would kind of seem right to rec another vampy tale! Especially one as good as Fallen Angels!!
But I didn't know about your vamp fic and since I like yours and pamalax's work, I'll go read it too.
Ah! Our vamp fic! Well Pam does great thinky fang...and I do the smut! But if you don't mind slash...
Chocolate, hun?
*unwraps another bar*
Me, psychic?! I must have been online right when you posted it then. Unless it was some weird cyber space thingy....now I have the twilight zone theme playing through me head!
mmmm, can't type anymore, too busy stuffy chocky in my mouth...
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