So, my 4yo is really cute...

Mar 26, 2008 01:35

So my 4yo is really cute.  No, I mean really.

About a year ago she first asked me who the picture on my laptop screen was.  When told it was my boyfriend she screwed up her nose and much to my hubby's amusement decisively stated, "I don't like him."

Last night my daughter once more pointed at the picture and asked if it was my boyfriend.  This is how ( Read more... )

skybelpb, rl, cute kids

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Comments 10

burntcircles March 25 2008, 15:12:40 UTC
I like your kids. I see that the sense of humor is alive and well in the genes :)

Me: Why would I want to marry him? (thinking, yes, please)

Naughty girl! lol. Because of that I will think of you whenever I use this icon from now on *points to shiny pink thing to the left*

It's so nice to hear from you!


darkwriter69 March 26 2008, 06:43:04 UTC
Naughty girl!

I am naughty aint I?

Because of that I will think of you whenever I use this icon from now on *points to shiny pink thing to the left*

Me likes your shiny pink thing!!!

It's so nice to here from you!

Thanks! Lets see how long it takes me to annoy you! LOL.


burntcircles March 26 2008, 07:35:37 UTC
*laughs* I don't think you will ever annoy me, Julie. I take it you've seen the latest pics of WM on the message boards hence this bout of naughty fantasizing? *g* Can't blame you - the guy looks delicious!


darkwriter69 March 27 2008, 11:48:05 UTC
Can't blame you - the guy looks delicious!

The guy is good enough to eat! It just aint fair to the rest of us that there is such beauty paraded in front of, wait, keep the parading coming! In fact, bring me more!

I really like him in the glasses too...I've become a lover of the dork! Hee Hee.


alienmom March 25 2008, 16:36:07 UTC
how adorable!! i love how those little minds work! watching them reason/figure things out is amazing to watch, but i get the feeling she believes you like your boyfriend more than your hubby....hence the switch. LOL, but alas, don't we all! '->


darkwriter69 March 26 2008, 06:40:50 UTC
Sadly, yes, I believe you are right. Although I'm not sure what gives her the impression that mummy likes her boyfriend more...

Could it be the fact that his piccy graces the screen's of my laptop and phone?

Or perhaps that I have cut out his face and stuck it over hubby's in our photo's? *j*


darkwriter69 March 27 2008, 11:55:56 UTC
...i get the feeling she believes you like your boyfriend more than your hubby....hence the switch

Yeah, maybe!

Although, do you think it's bad that she recognises any photo of WM as my boyfriend?!


alienmom March 27 2008, 15:42:32 UTC
i figured she simply had good taste in men. LOL


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darkwriter69 March 27 2008, 11:35:29 UTC
I don't know if I have ever seen a truly bad piccy of WM!!!


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