So, my 4yo is really cute...

Mar 26, 2008 01:35

So my 4yo is really cute.  No, I mean really.

About a year ago she first asked me who the picture on my laptop screen was.  When told it was my boyfriend she screwed up her nose and much to my hubby's amusement decisively stated, "I don't like him."

Last night my daughter once more pointed at the picture and asked if it was my boyfriend.  This is how the resulting conversation went:

4yo: Daddy should be your boyfriend.
me: But Daddy is my husband
4yo: Well you should marry him (pointing at picture)
Me: Why would I want to marry him? (thinking, yes, please)
4yo: So that Daddy can be your boyfriend.

Ah, well, I shall enjoy the cuteness while it lasts.  In the meantime, what are the chances that my hubby will divorce me so that I can marry WM?  What are the chances that WM will want to marry me?  Not good I'm afraid.

*goes back to dreaming.

skybelpb, rl, cute kids

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