I thought it was hilarious that Google had decided to put a function on their program that requires mailers to solve logic problems within certain hours in order to send email.
That was until I tried to send mail then. And I was prompted with not a logic problem, but MATH EQUATIONS. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Especially when the toilet gets clogged. And I'm not talking about a little but clogged where a bottle of drain-o and a plunger will do...no, I'm talking like, a plumber's snake is all that will fix the problem kind of clog
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The days are beginning to bleed together. I could've sworn it today was Monday. But no no...it was Tuesday. And I'm still not quite sure what I did with Sunday. I've filled out a lot of forms and been on hold for a lot of time...but it's weird to be so disconnected to actual time. D'ya think this is really how it's meant to be
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