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Comments 3

yobanashi July 3 2011, 12:43:51 UTC
Maybe one day Koei will get bored of the current style and go back to the pre-DW5 kind of costume. Maybe. I live in hope.

Yeah, even in SW:C, sometimes Mitsunari is just... unrecognisable;;; Way nicer than he was in SW2, and also very very awkward at times. In fact, I cannot recall a single event where he was mean to someone else, the Idiot Trio bickering was probably the meanest he ever got.

(I totally subscribe to the headcanon that Mitsunari is still alive in Kiyomasa's ending. The alternative is just too sad.)


darksilverhawk July 3 2011, 13:59:50 UTC
Release your inner prissy princess, Mitsunari. You are allowed to be mean. >.<

(It was already headcanon for me, but seeing the ending again just cemented it. The first time through I wasn't really paying attention because I was still in shock that Sakon had just shown up.)


sakichi July 4 2011, 11:12:56 UTC
Mitsunari is too nice now? Glad I never played SW3 or I would've been pissed. XD


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