Instincts 8/?

Aug 30, 2009 22:22

Title: Instincts 8/?
Author: Liv darkmagic_luvr
Fandom: Dark Angel
Characters: Max, Alec, Logan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers through season two. AU through Designate This.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Dark Angel. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: Written as part of my alphabet meme for jazmin22, the prompt was ‘instinct’. This couldn’t be contained in a one shot, so it’ll be multi-chaptered. First Dark Angel fic.
Summery: There was really only one way he could keep both their asses safe, he just didn't think she'd kiss him back.
part 1| part 2|part 3| part 4| part 5| part 6| part 7

They ditched the truck before they reached the first check point into the city and used their finely tuned bodies to pass through the city unnoticed. They avoided sector police and hover drones by keeping to the rooftops and avoiding large traffic areas. It was easier than it looked, even if Alec did complain the entire way to Fogel Towers. The moment the building was in sight however, he went quite, and his silence was starting to irritate Max more than his mouth did.

Getting into the building was going to be extremely easy, mused Alec, raising his eyebrow at the door and then at Max who shrugged and pulled open the door.

“I taped the lock down last year. It’s easier to sneak up on him.”

“Or rob him.” she shrugged again and took off, down the familiar walkway to that familiar door to something and someone safe. Alec kept looking at his watch or running his hand through his hair, and it was making Max nervous. Or, maybe it was the claim reflecting his nervousness back onto her. Maybe he was nervous about what Logan would do to him, Max rolled her eyes at the thought because Logan really couldn’t compete with Alec. He wasn’t a trained killer.

Her heart started pounding when the two of them rounded the corner. Maybe twenty feet away was Logan’s door. She’d go in, they’d save Logan from whatever X5 that was sent to kill him and-

“Max, wait.” Alec interrupted her train of thought, catching her arm and pulling her back down the hallway, away from Logan’s door. She frowned at him, her boot catching on the carpet and stumbling slightly as he pulled her away from Logan. She growled, jerking her arm out of his grip, glaring at him.

“What the hell, Alec?”

“You can’t go in there.” she stared at him.

“Why the hell not?”

“Because!” he growled, leaning back, away from her and looking away. She was so infuriating sometimes he just wanted to punch her in the mouth. Alec closed his eye and tried to clear his head before opening them and looking back at her. “Because you just can’t. Alright?”

Max rolled her eyes and turned back to Logan’s door.


She ignored him, reaching the door without Alec behind her. Before she could even get her hand out to open the door, however, she felt Alec’s weight crash into her, slamming the both of them into the wall next to the door. He backed off half a step and spun her around, slamming her back into the wall so hard it shook and pressing himself up against her. Her heart was beating wildly, partly from the adrenaline and partly from-

“You can’t go in there, Max.” oh god, he was growling. Max could feel his chest vibrating over hers, his heart hammering. She swallowed, trying very, very hard not to look up at his face. He leaned in closer to her, his breath washing over her cheek. “Max, you have to listen to me. He’ll die.”

She blinked. Then frowned. Then scowled. He would die? Who would? Logan? Why? Seeing her with Alec? Please, as if Alec could compete. Max squirmed underneath Alec’s weight, managing to elbow him in the ribs and slip out between his body and the wall. When she felt she was a safe distance away she turned back and set her scowl on him.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alec frowned at her, his head tilting to the side slightly.

“No, I don’t think you know what I’m talking about.” huh? Alec squeezed his eyes shut briefly, shifting from one foot to the other uncomfortably. It was bad. It was so, so bad.

“You’ll kill him, if you touch him.” Max was starting to feel a bit stupid. Alec was pissing her off, talking in circles and not making any sense. Logan would die if she touched him? Who the hell could-

“Manticore did something to me?”

“They know Logan Cale is Eyes Only,” he said softly. “They fitted you with a retrovirus targeted to him. If you touch him, you’ll kill him.”

Max stared at him, her mouth hangin’ open feeling all kinds of betrayal start bubbling in her gut. He still wasn’t looking at her.

“You knew what they were doing to me! You they were going to use me to kill him and you didn’t say anything!?”

“I’m saying something now!” Alec roared back, his eyes snapping onto her and taking a step forward, back into her personal space. Max jutted her chin out, her jaw set stubbornly.

“Does Manticore have an antidote?” Alec rolled his eyes.


“Then after we see Logan, we’re going back and getting it.” Max spun on her heel, heading for Logan’s door once again, and once again Alec pulled her back, growling.

“Like hell we are.” Max shoved him, hard, sending him back into the opposite wall. She shifted her weight, setting up for a roundhouse kick to the temple when the door behind her flew open.

“Max?” Max spun around, stumbling over her feet and staring wide eyed at Logan. He looked…he looked old. He looked awful. What the hell happened to his hair?

“Logan.” He only had eyes for her, didn’t even blink at Alec as he left the doorway, headed for her. Max took a step forward, wanting so badly to touch him, only to be pulled backwards by the back of her shirt by Alec. Logan frowned, his gaze moving away from Max and onto Alec.

“What the hell are you doing?” snapped Max, spinning around to look at Alec. His grip on her shirt didn’t give and she ended up pressed into his chest, her nose nearly touching his. She noticed how shallow his breathing became and tried not to notice anything else about him.

“Virus. Remember?” he managed to bite out, letting go of her shirt quickly and moving his hands to his sides. Max stayed pressed against him for a moment longer than she should have before she backed away and turned to face Logan.

“Max, what’s going on?” he asked. “Who’s this?”

“This is Alec,” said Max softly. “He broke out of Manticore with me.”

“Who is he?”

“X5. He was- I was…Someone was sent to kill you and I-”

“Kill me? Max, Manticore sent someone to kill me? Who?”

“Her,” said Alec, nodding to Max after she didn’t answer immediately. “Hey, you got any snacks?”

Logan didn’t answer, Max didn’t answer, Alec excused himself and slid past Logan into his apartment to rifle through his ‘fridge. Max was snapped out of her stupor when she heard the freezer door open and started to move past Logan, who stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

“You were sent to kill me?”

“Logan, it’s not like that-”

“Then what’s it like, Max?”

She swallowed. “I’ve got a virus targeted to you in my DNA. If I touch you, I kill you.”

“Why would they want to kill me?”

“Something about hacks,” came Alec’s voice from the doorway, leaning against the frame and holding a sandwich. Logan didn’t give him any thought, just continued to stare at Max, who shrugged.

“What he said.”

“This crosses the line,” said Logan, shaking his head and turning to Alec. “So what, is it your job to kill me, because I know Max isn’t going to. Max wouldn’t do that-”

“Chill, I’m not going to kill you,” said Alec, taking a bite out of his sandwich and ignoring the face Max sent him. “But I will if I have to.”

“What the hell does that mean?” asked Max, jutting her hip out and sticking her hands on her waist.

“It means we can’t trust him, Max,” said Logan. Alec snorted.

“She trusts me,” said Alec, staring past Logan to Max. “Even if she doesn’t want to, she does. Max, you know what ‘ll happen if he sends a hack with Manticore’s location in it. They’ll blow it up with everyone inside. Renfro’s a cold bitch, she’ll do whatever it takes to save her own ass.”

“I wasn’t going to do the hack until I had more information,” said Logan, glaring at Alec and turning to Max, missing the look Alec sent to his back. “But you’re back now, I don’t have to do it at all.”

“Make sure it stays that way,” said Alec. “So Maxie, now what?”

logan cale, dark angel, x5-494: alec, x5-452: max

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