dark angel - Instincts 2/?

May 04, 2009 18:15

Title: Instincts 2/?
Author: Liv
Fandom: Dark Angel
Characters: Max, Alec, Renfro
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers through season two. AU through Designate This.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Dark Angel. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: Written as part of my alphabet meme for jazmin22, the prompt was ‘instinct’. This couldn’t be contained in a one shot, so it’ll be multi-chaptered. First Dark Angel fic.
Summery: There was really only one way he could keep both their asses safe, he just didn't think she'd kiss him back.
part 1

They didn’t have to lie at rounds the next day. They didn’t look at each other either. It took a lot of effort but they managed not to look at each other all morning, slightly surprised and very agitated to realize that they were around each other more often then they were apart. Not looking at each other became a chore, not touching each other was damn near impossible. Every time he was within spitting distance Max felt her temperature flare, her heart beating speed up, and her stomach turn to goo. Despite taking the pains not to look at him, her body was completely aware of him. Every move he made during drills, every skip in his heart beat, she could smell him from across the yard, his scent louder and more dominating over her senses than the C.O. of her unit standing right next to her, dripping with sweat and rage.

It wasn’t surprising to her when she took her turn on the mat and suddenly found herself staring at the sky, on her back. Her head wasn’t in the fight, the training. Her head was with him. Her thoughts on the bite mark on her neck that was glaring red and angry and hurt so deliciously that she had to remind herself not to touch it unless she wanted to whimper with need in front of her unit mates.

He hadn’t even stuck around to explain the claim, not that he even knew. It was instinct that’s all. Heat of passion and all that. The males in her unit had seen the mark on her neck and smelt him on her (no mater how hard she scrubbed at her skin during her shower, she couldn’t get him off her) and stayed the hell away from her. The females just glared at her, but they had their own problems so pity and understanding clouded over any resentment they might have had with her being mated to 494.

Mated. She didn’t even know she knew that word or what it meant. The words Marriage and Commitment were used in the real world, the world she was used to, yet neither of those words brought on such intense feelings as Claiming and Mating did. Didn’t make her want to preen or rub up against him when she past him during drills and - ohmygod the world stopped. Her eyes flickered to his and they stopped dead, staring at each other, feeling the electricity crackling in the air. The transgenic around them stopped what they were doing as a wave of lust and heat and anger and want vibrated and rolled off 494 and 452. Max watched Alec’s pupils dilate and the green in his eyes turn almost black. God she wanted him.

She wasn’t even conscious that she had moved until his mouth came crashing down on hers, his hand entwining in her hair and pulling at it roughly, her fingers digging into his sides as she raised up on her toes to gain some sort of dominance.

They were pulled apart as roughly as they’d come together, and Max heard herself growl at one of the guards who’d stepped between her and her mate. The thought sobered her up immediately. Not her mate, stupid for thinking that. Bad Max. Seemed like Alec was thinking the same thing because his eyes were wide in horror at how easily things had escalated. Bad. Very bad. A handler barked an order and Max and Alec were dragged out of the yard, each trying their best not to look at the other. They were deposited in Renfro’s office and were told to wait.

The second the door closed Max rounded on Alec, furious.

“What the hell was that?”

“Me? You’re the one who-”

“Shut up. What did you do to me?” He gave her a look.

“Do?” Max pulled the hair back from her neck and turned slightly so he could see the imprint his teeth had left on her neck. She heard him suck in a breath and reel a few steps away from her. Max turned back to him, her hands dropping to her waist.

“What’d you have to go an claim me for?” The horror on his face turned to surprised disbelief and he blinked at her.

“You know what a claim is?”

“Vaguely. I know what it is, but I don’t know what it is.”

Alec muttered something under his breath and Max raised an eyebrow, like could you be any more of spineless tool? Alec rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Claiming a mate.”

“I got that, stupid.”

“Means you belong to me and when you reciprocate I belong to you. See? Real simple definition.”

“I don’t want to belong to you! I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

“The feelings mutual, sweetheart. Believe me.”

Max opened her mouth to snap at him about not calling her ‘sweetheart’ when the door slammed open and Renfro stormed in, her eyes blazing her face red and a briefcase in her hand that she promptly threw viciously against the wall. The action made both Alec and Max tense, snapping to attention.

“What the hell is going on,” she was actually hissing at them. Max thought if she didn’t control her temper long enough to get some Midol, Director Lady would start spitting fire. Alec was the one to answer her.

“Ma’am?” Renfro didn’t bother relying. Instead she stalked forward until she was in Max’s personal space and tugged her hair to the side, scoffing at the bite mark tattooed into Max’s neck.

“Breeding does not mean mating,” she hissed, turning away from Max and Alec and moving the rest of the way to her desk. “We have enough problems keeping Heat under control know we’re expected to break up Mate fights too? This is unacceptable 494.”

“Heat of the moment, ma’am,” said Alec, his eyes staring straight ahead, his voice callous and calm. “Doesn’t mean anything.”

Max ignored the stabbing, gut wrenching pain that shot through her heart at his words, but a part of her registered that she had to reject him if the claim was to ever fade.

“Good, see that it doesn’t get in the way again,” snapped Renfro, turning back around to face the two transgenics. “494 you and 452 are to head immediately to the infirmary. You’ll both be receiving physicals. Dismissed.”

They saluted and walked out of the office, taking careful pains not to touch or look at each other until they were completely alone in the deserted hallway that lead straight to the infirmary. Alec turned to look at her, his mouth opening to apologize for telling Renfro his claim didn’t mean anything when Max socked him in the gut and he doubled over in pain, all thoughts of apologies gone from his mind. Sorry? Him? Not in this life time.

“What the hell was that for?” Alec managed to ground out. He didn’t straighten up, knowing Max would just hit him again. She scoffed, like you don’t know.

“Revoke the claim!” she shouted at him, her voice ringing in his ears. Alec rolled his eyes and lunged at her waist, sending them both to the ground, Max’s head cracking against the tile. Alec growled at her, using his body weight to pin her to the ground.

“Bite me.” Instead, she elbowed him in the head, causing little white lights to spring up in front of his eyes.

“It’s you’re fault in the first place,” Max ground out, hissing when Alec flipped her over on her stomach, twisting one of her arms behind her back.

“You kissed me back,” he said, his mouth close to her ear. “You’re fault.”

“Yeah, well if you hadn’t lied to Renfro maybe I could have gotten a little peace from you in isolation.”

“Whatever floats you’re boat. We’ll just go back at tell her that in addition to mating we also lied to her. It’ll go over great. You go first.”

His head snapped back as Max head butted him, twisting out of his grip to get free, rubbing her shoulder from the strain he’d put on it. Alec clutched at his nose, feeling a bit of blood slide onto his fingers, but it didn’t feel broken. Max put up her fists, taking a step forward.

“Stop. I’m not fighting with you.” tiny part of his brain was asking why the hell not. So was Max. She gave him a look, stopping in her advance on him.

“You’re not?”

“Not when we have to be in the infirmary.” oh logic. She sobered, looking slightly put off that she’d have to kick his ass later. She put her arms down and turned, continuing down the corridor without another word while Alec wiped the rest of the blood off his face and caught up with her, walking side by side with her in silence.

“What the hell did she mean by Mate fight?” asked Max suddenly, giving Alec a look like he’d better have all the answers. He returned it in kind, adding a little more disgust than necessary and she felt a little bad for bustin’ up his nose.

“How the hell should I know?”

He opened the door to the infirmary for her and they were both immediately stripped of the fatigues and pushed into different examination rooms. Max felt a blush rise in her cheeks. She’d been on the outside for so long that she wasn’t used to having absolutely no privacy. They just did whatever they wanted and you better not be squeamish about it otherwise you’d have a problem.

Ten minutes of uncomfortable poking where one should not be poke, her blood was drawn, estrogen levels checked, and the bite mark on her neck examined. She was allowed to put her clothes back on in privacy (more like they all happened to leave at the exact same time because oh, look! Donuts.) and was sent off back to the barracks. Alec practically ran into her as she exited, pulling his shirt on over his head, the flash of skin she saw before his shirt covered it made her mouth go dry. He rolled his shoulder under his shirt, trying to get it feeling normal when he noticed her scent and his eyes snapped onto hers. She watched his jaw clench.

“452.” his eyes said there were cameras in the lab and please don’t jump me.

“494.” she replied with yeah no shit and the next time we have sex will be in your dreams.

The smirk he sent her made her insides clench because that was exactly what he was planning to do. She would have been so very pissed off if the mark on her neck hadn’t flared and make her want him so very badly. Without saying anything she spun on her heel and stormed out, practically blurring to the showers to get the smell of him off her.

Wasn’t accounting for him showing up about five minutes after her, intent on doing the exact same thing she was. He was furious, she could feel it radiating off his body. He was so angry that he didn’t even realize she was there until he had stripped himself of his clothing and turned on the shower head. Max felt the same liquid heat she’d felt the night before and she watched Alec freeze, his back turned to her, every muscle she could see tensing and coiling, ready to strike if he needed to. Max watched the water from the showerhead drip down his back, and all conscious thought went out the window when her transgenic sight keyed in on the nails marks down his back and possessive need filled in it’s place.

Alec had watched Max storm out, letting his perfectly thought out shit-eating-grin slid off his face as he stared after her viciously. God he was starting to hate her, and oddly enough, starting to be completely infatuated with biggest bitch he’d ever met (aside from that time he’d had to spar with her clone, 453, she had taken the cake and thrown it in his face, thank god she wasn‘t there to bitch at him too, he might’ve just fucking snapped). But the way she just lashed out at him for no good reason? What the hell! He hadn’t done anything wrong. ‘Sides, she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t enjoyed it. He did too, more than he should have. He had left her cell as soon as the blood was back in his brain and he realized what they’d just done. He didn’t want her to kick his ass, not when he was naked and smelling like sex and the taste of blood still bitter in his mouth. She hadn’t seemed all that coherent, and he didn’t blame her (seriously, look at him, he could make the pope switch batting teams for god’s sake). His back was still recovering from being clawed up (his SIC - X5-351 - was being a dick about it too) and a shower would be fantastic to get the kinks out.

He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn’t register Max’s scent lingering in the hallway leading into the showers.

Warm water was fantastic against his skin, and it cleared his head long enough to realize there was someone else in the showers with him. The steam mixed with the scent, making it stick to his skin and fill his head. Max. His body tensed and hard. He cursed silently and then out loud because her sent was getting stronger and he could feel her eyes on him and her body moving closer to his.

He pretended he hadn’t heard her growl the word he used last night and waited for her to strike, not surprised when she spun him around and pinned him against the tile, her brown eyes almost black with lust as they took their time moving down and up his body.

“Alec,” oh god she was purring. She was fucking purring. Stupid Manticore and their stupid feline DNA and their - oh Christ where was her hand going?

She gripped him firmly, sliding her hand up his length, causing his eyes to roll back into his head because sweet Jesus did she learn how to do this on the outside? It’s decided, 09ers rocked. Everyone should leave Manticore, learn how to give hand jobs and then get recaptured and show their breeding partners a good time. He couldn’t remember when he slid his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her forward, kissing her heatedly, but his brain snapped out of it’s fog when he felt her bare, wet leg slide up his thigh and hook around his hip, his erection brushing against her stomach and where did her hand go?

His hands slid from her neck to her hips, moving under her thighs and lifting her off the ground and who cared where her hand went because now they were both in his hair, tugging on it painfully and damn it if it didn’t turn him on.

Ignoring her protest when he broke his mouth away from hers he turned them, pressing her against the tile wall divider that gave a little privacy in the coed showers. He thrust into her, noting for the first time how well they seemed to fit together, watching as Max’s head fell back, baring her neck to him, his mark on her neck standing out, glistening red under the trails of water running down her skin. With a growl Alec burring his face in the slope of her neck, moving inside her, the slap of skin against skin against tile muffled by the sound of Max’s blood rushing through her veins.

The feel of her nails scraping down his shoulders, her heels digging into his back and his name, the one she’d given him, on her lips, muttered over and over again into his ear was enough to send him over the edge, taking her with him with a final twist of his hips.

It took longer for the fog the clear this time, Alec was still buried to the hilt inside her, both of them breathing heavily.

“494?” he nearly dropped her.

Fraternizing between X5’s is a big no. Fraternizing in the showers where no guards were allowed was more frowned upon because come on other people used it too and it was gross to take a shower and have to listen to two of your unit mates going at it. Alec managed to set Max down on her feet before spinning around. He relaxed slightly seeing as it was only 351 and raised an eyebrow, but suddenly realized who he was in the shower with and his face turned ashen.

Max seemed to realize it at that moment too, because she elbowed him in the side hard and stalked off, muttered curses under her breath and shooting a death glare at 351 as she past him. 351 stared blankly after her, slightly affronted by her callousness because shouldn’t she be a little more placid after having sex? And with 494 no less, she should be purring with content!

494 must have been reading his mind because his CO shrugged. “She’s just a bitch.”

Explanation enough. “Any reason why you’ve taken your breeding assignment too seriously, 494?”

His CO’s face reddened and he reached behind him to turn off the shower, muttering something that sounded like ‘shut up’. 351 smirked at him.

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the mating rumors I’ve been hearing, would it?”

“I don’t want to talk abut it,” growled 494 in a way that made the conversation over and the hair on the back of 351’s neck stand up. He held his hands up in mock surrender, but despite the situation could get the grin off his face. 494 noticed and rolled his eyes at him, moving out of the stall and stalking past him, muttering curses under his breath along with a few well choice phrases about Manticore and someone named Max.

351 had a nasty feeling that all kinds of proverbial shit was about to hit the fan.

part 2|part 3| part 4| part 5| part 6| part 7| part 8

max/alec, x5-494: alec, x5-452: max

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