Sam/River - Bitter Beginnings

Oct 18, 2008 19:54

Title: Bitter Beginnings
Author: Liv
Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Characters: Inara, Sam, River and Mal
30_shinyfics Prompt: 9. Ill
30_kisses Prompt: 10. # 10
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or Firefly. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: This is set in between Shadow/Hallway parts right after Sleep. I can't belive I forgot about this one. It was just sitting on my computer.

Inara had a tray of food in her hands for Sam and River. Neither of whom had come to dinner. Mal didn’t seemed bothered by it and Simon was convinced that they were both still in shock from their time in the Academy. She stopped at their room and knocked, clearing her throat.

“Sam? River, it’s Inara,” Inara listened to someone shift inside the room and open the door, finding herself staring up at Sam. She smiled softly at him. “I brought food. I thought you might be hungry.”

Sam managed to force a smile onto his face and stepped aside to let her through the door. Inara scanned the room, seeing the bed scattered with pages from a journal. River was absent.

“Where’s River?” asked Inara, setting down the tray and turning to look at Sam who had returned to the bed, leafing through a few of the pages, avoiding her gaze.

“She’s in the bathroom,” said Sam tightly. “Puking her guts out.”

“Is she having nightmares?” asked Inara, frowning in concern.

“I don’t know,” said Sam softly. “It’s complicated right now.”

“I understand,” Inara turned her head slightly, staring at the ground. She heard Sam sigh and watched him run his hand over his face out of the corner of her eye. “Is there something wrong?”

Sam didn’t say anything for a long moment. Inara thought he was ignoring her started to turn to go when he spoke up softly.

“River and I are special, Inara,” began Sam, catching her attention back onto him. “River is a seer, plain and simple. I- I’m more complicated. I don’t even know if I can explain my situation without sounding completely insane-”

“Sam, what did they do to you in there?” asked Inara.

“They turned off the light,” he said softly, looking up at Inara.

Their eyes stayed locked for what seemed like eternity before the door slide open again and River stepped in, looking slightly pale. She ignored Inara and climbed into bed with Sam, pressing into his side and dropping her head against his chest. Inara blinked and shook her head slightly, moving her attention onto River.

“Do you feel better?” asked Sam softly, kissing the top of her head before resting his cheek against the top of it, looking down at her. She nodded, sliding her hand onto his leg.

“If you get hungry,” said Inara softly, gesturing back to the tray of food. Sam nodded and thanked her, turning his attention back onto River, placing his hand on her abdomen gently. Inara noted the movement before she turned to leave.

“Inara?” she jumped and turned to see Mal walking towards her. He glanced at the door she’d come from and then back at her, lowering his voice. “How they doin’?”

“Sam’s acting…weird,” said Inara. “Frankly, he’s acting like River.”

“And here was me thinking’ Sam was the only sane one on this gorram boat,” said Mal, shooting her a grin before turning and heading the opposite direction. “They’ll be fine, Inara.”

Inara sighed, watching Mal go. She glanced at the closed door holding River and Sam behind it before heading in the direction of her shuttle. “I hope you’re right.”

series | the haunting hour, sam winchester, crossover, mal reynolds, inara serra, supernatural, firefly, river tam

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