This Can Be The Bitter End, I Know It Wont

Oct 17, 2008 23:17

Title: This Can Be The Bitter End, I Know It Wont
Author: Liv darkmagic_luvr
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Joanna Winchester (OC), Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer
30-children Prompt: 4. Never Let Go
Rating: PG-13
Summery: In which Joanna Winchester leaves Sam Winchester to bask in his own emoness.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. I own everyone you don’t recognize. This plot is not mine either as it so happens.
Author’s Note: Spoilers through season three. Set after Down The Line.

Joanna didn’t fell like crying when the paramedics finally let her go home. Sam was waiting for her in the parking lot, his jaw set and a hard look in his eyes that she was sure she was reflecting back at him. Bobby wasn’t with him, neither was the car. Joanna shifted the bandage around her ribs, wincing from the pain. She stopped next to Sam, but didn’t met his eyes.

“Now what?” she asked. She felt Sam bristle slightly.

“We burry him.”

“Why, Sam? Are you planning on bringing him back?” Sam didn’t answer her, instead he turned and started walking in the direction of their motel. Joanna stared after him for a minute before following, she watched him slow down a bit so she could catch up and the two ended up walking in step for what seemed like hours until they reached some sort of clearing. Bobby was waiting for them, a pine box and a whole next to him. There was a distinct smell of whisky on his breath that made Joanna want to gag, but she ignored it in favor of the box.

“I still think we should salt and burn him,” said Bobby thickly. Sam looked at Joanna who shook her head firmly.

“Give me a hand?” Sam asked her quietly, moving toward the box. Joanna swallowed and followed suit, placing both under the makeshift coffin and helped Sam bury it. Him.

Joanna straightened up, moving her hand to her ribs and trying not to breath so hard. Sam looked around for a moment before finding the shovel Bobby had used and started filling the whole back up. Joanna’s heart nearly stopped when the first pile of dirt landed on the coffin, the sound of dirt on wood causing an eerie echo emit from the grave. It hit her suddenly that her dad was gone, and he wasn’t coming back.

Joanna turned on her heel and headed off in the direction of the Impala, parked next to Bobby’s truck a few yards from where the grave was dug. Sam stopped what he was doing long enough to stare after her for a moment. He really didn’t expect much of her right then, he had actually expected her to start sobbing. But then again, Winchester’s did cry, at least not the girls.

Sam finished filling up the grave and tossed the shovel down, wiping sweat off his forehead and standing next to Bobby who looked compelled to say something nice about Dean. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, then cleared his throat.

“Dean, you kicked ass, amen,” Sam made a face and looked over at Bobby who looked back. “What?”

“What the hell was that?”

“It’s what Dean woulda wanted,” snapped Bobby. Sam shook his head and turned around to ask Joanna if she wanted to say anything. It took him a moment to realize that she wasn’t there, and a moment more to realize that the Impala was gone too.

“That bitch,” Sam muttered under his breath.


“She took the Impala.”


“Jo! Joanna took the fucking car!” Bobby whirled around, sobering up rather quickly. He looked around, just as Sam had and dropped his forehead into the palm of his hand.


Joanna had known her whole life that this car belonged to her. There was no way in hell that Sam was going to take the one thing she had left of her father from her. He had memories and that journal. Joanna swallowed her tears, wiping her nose on her sleeve as she speed down the dirt road, watching the dust climb up into the sky behind her. She smirked at the feeling of the car beneath her, her eyes hallow and empty.

“Listen to her purr.”

character | bobby singer, series | mom and dad are fallen angels, sam winchester, joanna winchester

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