SPN- Down the Line

Oct 16, 2008 13:35

Title: Down the Line
Author: Liv darkmagic_luvr
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Joanna Winchester (OC), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer
30-children Prompt: 10. Upset
Rating: PG-13
Summery: In which Joanna Winchester gives up hope.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. I own everyone you don’t recognize. This plot is not mine either as it so happens.
Author’s Note: Spoilers through season three.

It was what they hadn’t been expecting. Dean’s head shooting up after hearing some sort of howl from outside the motel room. Joanna was cleaning out her favorite riffle and Sam was leafing idly through John’s old journal when Dean first hear it.

“What are you staring at?” asked Joanna, looking at him from the table. Dean jumped at the sound of her voice and frowned at her.

“You didn’t hear that?” Joanna made a face matching Dean’s and set down her riffle. Getting up from her chair, she made her way over to the window, looking through the fog out into the night. The only thing she saw was the Impala in an empty parking lot with a Vacancy sign flickering eerily in the darkness. Joanna shook her head and looked back at Dean.

“There’s nothing there, Dad.”

“Are you sure?” asked Dean, after Joanna nodded and a moment passed in total silence, and Dean became worried. They’d been able to avoid him going to hell for almost nineteen years, someone was bound to have found him. Why they didn’t find him sooner was something Dean really didn’t want to think about.

“Hellhounds,” he said softly. He half expected Sam to roll his eyes, but instead heard John’s journal hit the floor. Joanna was the one who snorted, catching her dad and uncle by surprise.

“Hellhounds?” she asked, clearly amused with the idea. “Why would hellhounds be after you?”

“We never told you,” said Dean softly. “We didn’t want to jinx it.”

“Jinx what?”

“Dean, sold his soul to save my life,” said Sam. “Before you were born.”

“It’s a little past ten years isn’t it?” asked Joanna, still looking amused.

“I only got a year,” said Dean quietly. “Somehow we managed to slip by them, but now-”

“We must have done something to piss off Lilith,” said Sam. Joanna’s face went blank, her eyes shifting from Dean to Sam.

“Lilith?” she asked softly. “Lilith?”

“Why now is what I’m wondering,” said Dean, ignoring Joanna and turning more towards Sam. “Is there some master demon plan at work?”

“Well just have to save you again,” said Sam with a non convincing shrug. “We can try and find Ruby and-”

“Ruby? Demon, Ruby?” asked Joanna, her voice rising. “We’re going to bring her back from hell, Sam?”

“We have to do something!” Sam shouted back at her, getting up so quickly from his chair that it fell over, hitting the linoleum floor with a sharp bang. Joanna rolled her eyes at Sam and crossed her arms over her chest.

“No freaking duh, Sam! But Ruby? Please, I’d rather scrape off my skin with a cheese grater than half to deal with her again.”

“You were sixteen the last time you saw her.”

“I’d prefer my mother over her, Sam, and if that doesn’t describe exactly how I feel, I’m not quite sure what will,” Joanna turned away from Sam, effectively cutting off their conversation and stared down at Dean, her jaw clenched tightly. “Now, what the hell were you thinking? You are morally against any type of zombification-”

“I needed my brother, Jo,” said Dean. “I wouldn’t have lasted a year without him.”

“And now I have to live without you,” said Joanna softly. She nodded slowly and headed for the door, grabbing her coat on her way out.

“Jo,” started Dean, not turning around, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop her. Instead he listened to the door slam shut and turned toward Sam. “That went better than I thought it would.”

“This is going to be a nightmare,” said Sam, running his hand over his face. “We gotten join up with Bobby-”

“You call him, I’m going to find Jo,” said Dean, standing up and heading out after her. Sam watched him go before pulling out his phone and calling Bobby.

“Bobby? Yeah it’s Sam. Listen, we’ve got a problem.”


Dean found Joanna sitting next to the Impala staring at her reflection in the paint. He sighed and sat next to her, staring up at the sky.

“You should have told me,” said Joanna after a moment of silence.

“I know.”

“What are you going to do?” Dean looked over at her and shook his head.

“I don’t there is anything I can do.”

“I’m not going to let you die,” said Joanna softly, dropping her head against Dean’s shoulder. “I’ll find a way to save you.”

That’s what I’m worried about, thought Dean, wrapping his arm around Joanna’s shoulders and pulling her into his chest. It was uncomfortably quiet for a long time until they heard the door behind them open up. They both turned as Sam walked outside, standing in the doorway staring at them.

“Bobby’s on his way.”


Joanna felt her eyes snap open. She was slightly confused because everything looked strange and she didn’t know where she was, but for some reason she could hear screaming. She could feel vibrations against her cheek and realized suddenly that she was lying on the ground.

“Jo,” Joanna blinked heavily, her eyes threatening to stay closed as someone turned her over. She looked up into the concerned face of Bobby and groaned as a splitting pain down her right side snapped her back to reality. She tried sitting up but failed, nearly screaming from the pain in her side as her hand immediately clamped over her ribs, feeling something sticking out of her shirt.

“Don’t move,” said Bobby. “Looks like you might’ve broken a rib or two.”

“Could’ve used the warning sooner,” said Joanna through clenched teeth. “Where’s Sam and Dad?”

Bobby sighed and sat back on his heels, his eyes flickering toward the study where the door was cracked open. Joanna felt herself start to choke up, dropping her head to the side, away from Bobby in the direction of the study. Through the crack she could just make out Sam’s frame leaning over something. Dean.

“Oh, God.”

“I’m so sorry, Jo,” said Bobby, his voice thick. Joanna felt hot tears slip from the corners of her eyes.

“Why couldn’t we save him, Bobby?” asked Joanna, her voice cracking. “Did we do something wrong?”

“There was nothing we could do,” said Bobby, placing his hand on Joanna’s shoulder. Joanna saw lights out of the corner of her eyes.

“Cops are here,” said Bobby, getting up to his feet. “We’ll get you all patched up.”

“I don’t care,” said Joanna, looking up at the ceiling. “I just…don’t care.”

dean winchester, character | bobby singer, series | mom and dad are fallen angels, sam winchester, joanna winchester

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