Table for One - And A Plate of Fairy Bread Please!

Oct 25, 2011 06:50

Hello my little nutella fairy bread sweet treats! (like my lovely LJ friends, they're one of life's pleasures - big kid I am)

yum! We call bread and butter with sprinkles fairy bread in Australia - a must for every kid's (and not a few adult's) parties! Simply swap nutella for butter and... voila! (and it MUST be cut in little triangles - it's just not authentic otherwise)
Now I've educated you all on Australian haute cuisine:

Just a little poem I wrote for prompt #36 of lj_scribe . The prompt? Table for One. It gave me an idea for a poem, so here it is - called, eerily enough, Table for One (spooky, eh?) It has a scattered meter, and a few rhymes - sort of a half and half poem - hope you like it!

Table for One

My table for one!

I sit in my nook.
From behind my book
I watch the world go by,

and people's faces tell me tales.

I see laughter, sometimes tears
but mostly, I see frowns, fears,
broken promises and broken hearts.

It's a pity.

Me? I enjoy the little things -
So from my nook, behind my book
I watch the world go by,

entranced by passing humanity.

I smile to myself, a secret smile
at the thought that they may be
pitying poor lonesome me.

It's kind, but it's untrue.

Personally, I'm quite content,
Though it may not be self evident
if you see me sitting at

my table for one.

It's HERE. if you would like to +1 me, but no pressure, honestly!

Apparently, they've changed the system over there to the editors only being able to judge who gets into the finalist poll - there was some skullduggery involving puppet accounts to build +1s and votes in the polls... but a bit of feedback never goes astray!

Well, wish me luck! Yoiks! and away.......

prompt#36, fairy bread, poetry, nutella, table for one, writing challenge, lj_scribe

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