Games Mathematicians Play, Part 1 of 5 (NUMB3RS, darkkwater, Ian/Charlie, NC-17)

Jan 18, 2015 22:23

Title: Games Mathematicians Play (1/5)
Part 1: Groundwork
Ian has an intriguing proposal.
Fandom: NUMB3RS
Pairing/characters: Ian Edgerton/Charlie Eppes
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Charlie thinks he can handle Ian's games.
Sequel to: Hunter/Hunted
Word Count: 1451
Notes/Warnings: BDSM, Anon!sex.
Beta: Yes, thanks.

Part 1 - Groundwork -

Charlie slowly sucked Ian's cock, doing his usual excellent job, and wondered why he was failing. Yes, Ian's cock was hard and pulsing under his lips but somehow Ian wasn't slack-jawed with pleasure. Rather, he was watching Charlie narrow-eyed, a small smile playing about his lips. Charlie wasn't used to anything other than moaning appreciation of his blowjob skills and Ian was unnerving him.

Not that Ian had done anything other than unsettle, unnerve and blow Charlie's mind since he'd forced his way into Ian's hotel room. It had been both a lot more and a loss less than he'd wanted, and he hadn't been able to gather his brain cells together to figure out why. Ian had taken control of everything, which Charlie had expected. Ian had cut Charlie's shoulder with his knife, fisted him, and even choked Charlie near unconsciousness while fucking him, but those had all been - barely - within Charlie's range of expectation as well. None of them were things he'd ever done, but the heady danger that Ian exuded was what had made Charlie come to him in the first place.

What Charlie hadn't expected was how little all of it seemed to affect Ian. Ian had enjoyed fucking him, had enjoyed cutting and choking him, but then it was over. Ian had promptly cleaned himself up and told Charlie to leave. This wasn't how the evening was supposed to go. It didn't follow the pattern that Charlie had calculated. Charlie had correctly estimated all of the other factors - how to make Ian desire him enough to agree to sex, the level of intensity that Ian would bring to sex, and how Ian would bring new twists to the sexual act. But somehow it hasn't been enough. He needed… he needed… He didn't know what he was looking for, but sucking an unappreciative Ian on the floor of another hotel room wasn't it.

That was another thing - when Charlie had argued against being tossed out of the hotel room so soon after getting his mind blown, Ian had promptly picked up the hotel phone, ordered up a second room, and hustled Charlie down the hall and into it so fast that Charlie hadn't been able to refuse. That had been nowhere in his plans. It hadn't made sense. Ian had neither maximized his accessibility for more sex, nor had he ended the encounter. About five minutes after being choked to orgasm, Charlie had found himself standing in an empty hotel room, holding his clothes. Ian had left him with the terse, 'Get some sleep'.

Charlie had stared at the closed door for a long moment, then gotten dressed and laid down. He'd fallen asleep and woke several hours later, as Ian had come in and turned on the light.

"Got plans for you, my little slut," Ian had said cheerfully.

Charlie had slowly gotten up and splashed some water on his face. He'd felt stiff, his throat sore. He'd come back into the room to see that Ian had moved the heavy chair into the middle of the large open area in the room. He'd sat down in the chair, pulled out his cock, and said, "Show me how good you are." Charlie had eagerly gotten to his knees, thinking that at least that command made sense, but somehow it hadn't turned out that way.

Now, Ian took a hold of Charlie's hair and lifted his mouth off his cock.

"Did you get what you wanted earlier?" Ian asked, that strange smile still on his lips.

Charlie nodded mutely.

Ian shook his head. "I think you need more, Professor. I never leave a man wanting."

"What?" Charlie suddenly remembered how Ian had said he wanted to fuck Charlie to the ultimate release. "I don't, I really don't…"

Ian chuckled dryly. "I never do the same thing twice. Besides, I said what you need, not me." He sat back and looked down at Charlie. "I study people, you know, watch them."

"Hunt them," Charlie said. "Kill them."

Ian shrugged slightly. "When necessary. But there's a lot of watching involved first. You've taken me a little while to figure out, Professor." He leaned forward. "But I know you now. I know what you need. Will you trust me to give it to you?"

"What is it?"

"That would be telling."

Charlie frowned. "What are you planning on doing?"

Ian smiled, a smile that lit his eyes with a cold light.

Charlie suppressed a shiver.

Ian said, "I'm planning on getting you fucked a great deal, by multiple people. Would you like that, my little slut?"


"I have some friends in the area," Ian said. "Who'd enjoy a nice willing ass like yours, as long as it was completely anonymous."


"I'm going to tie you naked to this chair," Ian said. "I'm going to put a blindfold and ear protection on you so that you can't see and can't hear. Then I have three friends who are going to come over and fuck your brains out. Would you like that?"

Charlie stared at him… and his pulse began to pound. He'd been fucked by multiple people in a row before, but he'd never not known who it was. And they wouldn't know who he was. What a perfect scientific setup! He'd be able to study what made a good lover without all the extraneous details getting in the way. Also, since they wouldn't know who he was, their behavior would be more straightforward as well, doing simply what felt the best for them. A simple experiment. He'd been conducting sexual experiments since he was a teenager, gaining more information each time. This would be just more information about himself and male-to-male sex. It was simply more data for the test to note that his heart was already pounding, his cock throbbing. Three utter strangers, doing whatever they wanted to him, while he was tied to a chair…

"I'll even start it," Ian said. "So you can be fucked by four men in a row. What do you say, Professor? Do you like the idea?"

"Y…" Charlie swallowed and tried again. "Yes."

"I thought so." Ian pushed Charlie back and got up from the chair. "Now, strip."

Charlie stumbled to his feet and started to take off his clothes. His fingers seemed too thick to unzip his jeans. Part of him knew that this was a really stupid idea, that it was dangerous, but he'd come to Ian for dangerous, and he wasn't going to back out now. Not when there was a chance for valuable data about himself.

Ian tucked his cock away and left the hotel room for a moment. When he came back, he was carrying a handful of things. He tossed most of them on the bed and motioned for Charlie to go to the chair. Charlie quickly got the rest of his clothes off and went over to the chair.

Ian directed Charlie to kneel on the seat of the chair and lean over the back. Ian took a ziptie and put it around Charlie's wrists then through the bar on top of the heavy chair back. It wasn't too tight, but he wouldn't be able to move far without a lot of effort. He could even stand in front of the chair if he stretched his arms out and leaned over.

Ian then brought over the blindfold and put it over Charlie's eyes. It cut out the light completely.

"I can use it to sleep during the day in the middle of the desert," Ian said. "The ear protectors are just as effective." He put a pair of ear protectors over Charlie's ears and there was complete silence. Charlie shivered with sudden fear.

Ian took off the ear protectors. "Changing your mind? I can untie you and you can walk out the door at any time. Though if you do it after my friends arrive, they'll be pissed."

"No, I'm not changing my mind," Charlie said, then added quickly, "But I can change my mind at any time, right?"

"Right," Ian said. "But you show me up in front of my friends and I'm going to be pissed." He suddenly laughed. "But that's okay, you know. You change your mind whenever you want to, Professor. You'll never know then if I've figured out what you really need."

Charlie nodded slowly. He doubted that Ian had any special insight into him, not when Charlie had been studying himself for much longer, but this whole setup was too exciting to pass up. "Okay, okay, yeah."

Ian smiled and put the ear protectors on. Charlie leaned over and waited for Subject #1.

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