Title: Games Mathematicians Play (1/5)
Part 1: Groundwork
Ian has an intriguing proposal.
Fandom: NUMB3RS
Pairing/characters: Ian Edgerton/Charlie Eppes
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Charlie thinks he can handle Ian's games.
Sequel to:
Word Count: 1451
Notes/Warnings: BDSM, Anon!sex.
Beta: Yes, thanks.
Not that Ian had done anything other than unsettle, unnerve and blow Charlie's mind since he'd forced his way into Ian's hotel room. It had been both a lot
more and a loss less than he'd wanted, and he hadn't been able to gather his brain cells together to figure out why. )
Comments 2
Wonder if Ian will bring Charlie's coworkers from the FBI to have sex with him?
Can't wait for the next chapter!
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