Meta essay - Supernatural 'Heart'

Mar 26, 2007 18:28

I know I usually refer to this place as a graphics journal, but I'm thinking of changing that to my creative journal. So I can start posting a wider variety of things here for public consumption (be gentle!). Waffling aside, here be my first real meta essay...

It only hurts when your eyes are open )


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Comments 26

*applause* erinrua March 26 2007, 18:07:20 UTC
Wow. Just ... I think you have done such a stellar job of verbalising everything I thought about Dean in this episode, and did it far better than I managed in my little meta. Gorgeously and thoughtfully done. I really can't add a thing more than that. Thank you.

... I'll just be over here quietly bleeding, mkay? ;-)
Cheers ~



Re: *applause* purplephoenix03 March 26 2007, 18:38:41 UTC
Oh my, that's high praise, thanks so much! I was toying with the idea of writing this meta since I saw the epi and then today at school I had a choice: plan my lesson for Friday or do meta essay.

I fail at teaching! Hehe.

(Also, the idea of writing an ESSAY?! I'm a scientist/artist, we express through notes/pictures LOL)


Re: *applause* purplephoenix03 March 26 2007, 18:41:17 UTC
(PS. I'm replying from my personal LJ as I'm lazy :D)


Re: *applause* erinrua March 27 2007, 04:25:46 UTC
(Also, the idea of writing an ESSAY?! I'm a scientist/artist, we express through notes/pictures LOL)

LOL, well, I'm a writer, but I am not an essayist, so I admire the hell out of people who make it look as good as you do. Not bad at all despite the lack of notes or pictures. ;-) Thanks again for sharing!

~ Erin


hay1ock March 26 2007, 19:30:49 UTC
Here i was thinking i was the only person in the world to avoid planning lessons (and forgetting to bring Yr7 homework to mark again!!)
Gotta say that's a whole lotta thought you've got going on there hun.
Like you it wasn't all Sam's tears(boy was he wet) that got me but that tear(watched it over and over and with that song *sniffle*).
Ur right it symbolised so much for Dean, he can't protect Sam from everything no matter how hard he tries.
Oh i think they deserve a holiday :(


purplephoenix03 March 26 2007, 20:03:10 UTC
(posting from my personal LJ)

LOL, procrastination at its finest! Lesson planning is often teh evil as part of my PGCE requires me to do it in tooooo much detail if you ask me. Not to go off point but what subject do you teach?

(As an aside, dude! Fellow SPN Midlands (well 45mins from Covs anyway, right?) teacher! Awesome!)

Back to the meta - it kinda wrote itself. I dunno, my fingers hit the keys and BAM meta essay. But Dean did/does me in. It's odd that I wanted the epi for Sam and now I re-watch that final scene over and over but don't even glance at the Sam scene.

As for holiday - as long as we get to help them relax ;)


hay1ock March 26 2007, 20:09:07 UTC
LOL yeah keep to the point :D

Yes it's me the one who lives under the rock with ya :)
Well i teach maths. Did my PGCE a couple of years ago but didnt go straight into it did some time (lol) in special needs as a TA. Been supplying this year and finally doing my NQT year starting next term. Scary and back to those damn lesson plans and being observed Gah all good fun really isn't it? :D


purplephoenix03 March 26 2007, 20:20:47 UTC
I wanted to PGCE in math! But alas my degree did not have enough math content so I teach science lol.

Talking of lesson plans, my co-tutor wants to see my talking points for my Wednesday lesson in our meet tomorrow. Who does talking points?! You just open your mouth and GO!

Where are you doing your NQT (if you don't mind me asking?) I'm doing job applications at the mo. Pleh.


odd_for_sods March 26 2007, 19:37:33 UTC
Wow, yes! All that wonderful meta for a tear and a flinch. (I love this fandom.) I think this reinforces my belief that the point of Heart was to extract that reaction from Dean. Sam might be the hero of the show but Dean is its heart and soul. Hence the episode title had little to do with the missing body parts but all about Dean's heart and love for his family and the obligations that weigh on him.

(Another reason for this meta was the surprisingly large number of people who loved the episode but considered the tear to be terrible OOC and pointless. Maybe I can persuade you otherwise??)

Do people really think this? Dean's reaction just seems so perfectly Dean to me. He's holding so much angst in that occasionally he has to lose it a smidge and let something show. That flinch just did me in.


purplephoenix03 March 26 2007, 20:08:38 UTC
(Posting from personal LJ, as heh, is lazy :)

This fandom is teh awesome. After my first angst-ridden disaster that was the HP fandom I've avoided all fandoms - until SPN drew me in hook, line and stinker (hee). And I'm loving it SO VERY MUCH :D.

All that wonderful meta for a tear and a flinch.

Heh. When you boil it down to that... ;)

It's interesting that you bring up the episode title, as I was pondering the meta of it myself and was coming to a similar conclusion. Also, the fact that we see both brother's [emotional] hearts in this in a way that emphasis their differences but celebrates their similarities.

Do people really think this?

They do! O_o. I spent Sunday hotly defending the perfection of the tear to many. It still baffles me!


andromakhe001 March 27 2007, 01:19:44 UTC
Who thought the tear was overboard? I have to admit I haven't seen much of that. I've seen alot of people say just the opposite, that it got to them more than all the other drama beforehand.


odd_for_sods March 27 2007, 16:59:59 UTC
This fandom is teh awesome. After my first angst-ridden disaster that was the HP fandom I've avoided all fandoms - until SPN drew me in hook, line and stinker (hee). And I'm loving it SO VERY MUCH :D.

I don't know much about HP fandom and all its foibles. I've been involved in a number of fandoms and each has a been a unique experience. Until now mostly I've participated in niche sub groups because I'm a slasher and that can be a touchy subject. It's been wonderful to be involved with a community that sees slashers as a part of it and not the dirty linen to be hidden. I enjoy being part of the wider Supernatural community and free to discuss the aspects of the show that interest me.

Crap happens in all fandoms because we're only human and human beings can be a royal pain in the backside but at least so far any turbulence in SPN has been relatively minor. (You should have seen the tumult in X Files fandom. It was way out of control.)


mystic_reader March 26 2007, 22:35:30 UTC
Fantastic meta! Very insightful.. very well written..
I am one of those that doesn't think that Dean's lone tear was OOC. So I agree with everything you wrote here.


purplephoenix03 March 27 2007, 00:36:53 UTC
Thank you very much! Glad you liked/enjoyed.

Tear was so not OOC to the point that I got over my hate of essays and wrote this thing. Case in point *nods*. Haha.

(Btw, heeee icon! Love it)


wingsunfurled March 26 2007, 23:46:29 UTC
Wonderful meta ^_^

I got really teary just reading it thinking about heart again.



purplephoenix03 March 27 2007, 00:38:30 UTC
Thank you!

I got really teary just reading it thinking about heart again.

It's that TEAR! I maintain! :)


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