How come I go for days without updating because I don't have anything to say, but when I decide I will post I suddenly remember a million different things I wanted to talk about?
Propaganda in old cartoons. Included: Donald Duck as a Nazi, Superman with a Slap A Jap flyer, and Bugs Bunny feeding poisoned ice cream to an island of WWII soldiers ("
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I only know you from comments and stuff but I like the cut of your jib ahahahaha. XD
I keep expecting more porn from the JE fandom and get the letdown, yo. I've tried pimping it to my old fandom's people and I haven't had any takers. MAYBE IF THERE WAS MORE PORN. If you are able to bring some new people in I'd enjoy that.
Then again I could write again.... GYM would be a damn fine start.
(OH OH, that reminds me, I was looking at this old entry where I talked about The O.C. AND YOU HAD COMMENTED. From cool Jewish daddies to boyband porn! Who would've thought!)
Slkdfjaodjflas NO WAY. SERIOUSLY? I am completely unsurprised at my commenting on something having to do with The OC since I only recently abandoned all hope ye who enter here of being interested in that show/fandom, but OMG SERIOUS?! THAT IS SO COOL! I love LJ and fandom. For the win.
If they're not having dramatic and painfully OOC breakups, they're telling each other they're beautiful as they have perfect first time sex, hitting all the right spots ("J-Jin-chan -- ") and sobbing helplessly as they come.
Ah, youth. "Jin-chan" ahahahaha. OKAY! xD There's going to be a certain amount of fic like that in any fandom, I'm just hankering for some of the smutbombs that I know are possible. In JE the bunnies are basically THROWN to the fangirls by the guys themselves, so what is the hangup?
Oh, and GYM? Sheez. Brothers plus Yamamama? bring. it.
Not only do they not talk that way, nobody talks that way outside of a romance novel. Just give me teh porn, leave out the fluttering eyelashes moistened with tears blah blah blah.
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