"Twinpocalypse!" Part 1
Warnings: selfsims, kitty supervillians, culinary rage, the coolest strays ever, and more frakkin twins!
Previously on
The Oceanside Project: Lambswool...
Saturday, Day Six
General Zod: You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead-your next stop, the Oceanside Project! doo dee doo!
General Zod: Her name is Dawn Lambswool. She is 73 days old.
Zod continues: A wanna-be seamstress that only seems able to produce potholders and whinging brats.
Zod continues: For the next few days her life will change more often than her hairstyles. Only the Gods can save her for what lies ahead...
Dawn: Bad kitty! No monologuing!
Zod: But I am burdened with glorious purpose!
Dawn Lambswool the aspiring seamstress of Oceanside begins the day scolding her cat General Zod Ravenclaw and stuffing her face with left-over hot dogs.
Then she literally stuffs her face with left-over hot dogs.
Since Dawn is fast asleep a very hungry kitty nibbles at the remaining hot dogs.
Zod: Finally food worthy of a ruler such as General Zod! No more Meow Chow for Zod!
George, Dawn's husband and Oceanside's chef in the making, awakens soon after.
George: I'll get you some food Zod. *thinks* Dawn is always stuffing her face!
Dawn: ...BLOOD ORANGE IS NOT RED!... W-where am I?
Maybe it's time to go to bed Coco Chanel.
Since the Lambswools are flat broke George took a temporary job working with Sadie Biltmore at the Oceanside Fire Station as a firefighter. His first day will be on Monday.
Dawn finally gets some sleep in an actual bed...
while George continues studying cooking. As soon as he maxes his Culinary enthusiasm he can become a chef and open Oceanside's first restaurant.
Zod: Kneel before Zod Feather Dangle! In the end, you will always kneel!
Stop trying to rule over inanimate objects kitty!
We forgot all about you little Antonio! He's still alive and is as cranky as ever.
After spending quality time with his son George brings Antonio downstairs to play in the bouncy thingy.
Brodie Mason, Oceanside's mail lady, stops by and is greeted by a nosy George.
George: So how exactly did you get pregnant Brodie? Everyone knows that Kendrick Troubadour is very strict with the soda in the woohoo method. He must have used it with you too.
Brodie is not trying to hear that.
George: I'm just saying it seems pretty shady...
Maybe you should just mind your own business George Lambswool!
(those white buildings behind them are Nanny Angie Killeen's house/day care and the Primary and Secondary Schools ^.^)
All of the fussing and fighting has made Antonio stinky and even more cranky!
After a quick change he's back to sleep. Someone put the baby in the crib! He's going to break his neck!
It's breakfast time and Chef George tries a new recipe: pancakes.
He burns them of course, but a little bit of maple syrup will hide the burn taste. No one will ever know.
The smell of burnt sugary batter wakes up Dawn. Brodie wisely decides to keep watching TV instead of eating breakfast with the Lambswools.
Dawn is still the belching queen.
Meanwhile in the front yard...
Zod: Kneel before me you dull creature!
Zod continues to terrorize the neighborhood walk-bys for no reason.
However when doctor Minka Yomoshoto stops by...
Zod: It's the pretty human that likes to toss me in the air. You, pretty human, toss your God. Do it now!
Minka: I can't really play right now kitty. I don't want to get cat hair all over my sweatshirt.
Zod: Inferior species...
Back in the house, Dawn nurses the baby...
lays him down for a nap...
Then heads to her sewing room to work on earning her gold sewing badge.
Then it's nap time again.
Another stray! Apparently there are mini llamas running wild on the island. This here is Lana the llama. Luckily Zod is asleep or this might be the last time we see Lana the llama.
It's almost Antonio's transition day!
George's BFF Vivian Landgraab stops by to see how he's doing. Gotta watch these two. Not only are they BFFs but they are also triple bolters.
For dinner Chef George tries another new recipe, Grandma's Comfort Soup.
Time to make a trip to Goodacre's Grocery Store!
I just don't understand why my sims cannot make SOUP!
Dawn awakens to the smell of burning soup.
Dawn: Did he just burn soup too? What the hell is the matter with him? He's never going to be a chef!
George serves the burnt Comfort Soup to the ladies while Dawn changes Antonio and puts him down for a nap. Brodie does her best to not throw up.
I know, I know. He will get better, I promise.
Soon it's bed time so Dawn tells the girls to kindly GTFO...
Then heads to bed.
Sunday, Day Seven
Early in the morning Dawn receives pop #2.
Zod: I see, puny creature, that you have been banished to the Phantom Zone. Those that you thought loved you have betrayed you. Join with me and you shall be a god among sims. Kneel before your one true master!
Antonio: *snores*
George starts the day vowing not to burn another meal. Here is pancake attempt #2.
*crosses fingers*
Perfectly golden, mouth-watering pancakes for breakfast!
Zod seems to run out of food really fast. Maybe I need to watch his bowl to make sure the strays aren't eating it all?
Daddy feeds Antonio and changes his diaper. Today Antonio will grow up to a toddler!
Nanny Angie Killeen stops by to meet little Antonio and to attend his birthday party. Angie's going to make so much money off of the parents in Oceanside!
It's time to go to Goodacre's for groceries for Antonio's party.
Owen would rather kill butterflies than ring up his customers.
Back at home Angie gets acquainted with Antonio.
Dawn dresses and cleans-up...
and brings out the nectar for the party guests!
The Lambswools invite their friends, Dr. Minka (to check Antonio to make sure he grows up ok) and the town's toddlers and their parents.
For the party George tries another new recipe (oh dear God!), Grilled Chicken!
Oh Minka! In her true anti-social socialite fashion Minka sneaks away upstairs to give love to Antonio's teddy bear. I know it seems like you've been pregnant for a million years Minka. You'll have your baby soon!
The party guests mingle...
and George doesn't burn the meal!
Little Eve Goodacre has a ball playing in the sand.
It's cake time!
Awwww. Mommy loves you even though you grew into an unfortunate outfit.
Time-out for a dancing toddler montage! Eve, why did you bring all of the sand into the house?!
While everyone eats George sneaks Antonio away and makes him look more presentable.
Toddler! Antonio! Antonio is a 2-10-2-10-10 Libra with a high interest in sports and animals. He's broody like his mom and a heavy sleeper like his dad and he enjoys nature.
His birthday present was this cool creativity table that his mother insisted he have. She would love to have another artist in the family.
The other toddler guests fight over Zod's yummy Meow Chow. Heath Biltmore seems to be the victor!
Much to the dismay of Gwyneth Landgraab.
Dawn heads to bed early. All this partying has her pooped.
While their child is stuffing his face with Meow Chow, Sadie and Fitz get cozy in the hot tub. Great parenting.
Brodie is a dance party all by herself!
See what happens when you don't burn the food!
Antonio passes out on the floor before George could gather him into the crib. (I had to move the drawing table inside because Antonio was stuck in the corner.)
And the parents celebrate their boy growing up.
Part 2