The Oceanside Project: Firestone Part 1

Jul 07, 2014 09:38

"So Fast, So Furious" Part 1

Warnings: fast cars, gaseous ladies, a tickle monster, wild hyenas, weeds, shoplifting, aspiration failure, old music references.

Previously on The Oceanside Project: Firestone, Bossanova, The Wedding Special...
Saturday, Day Six

We begin Saturday morning with Connor Firestone, resident fast vehicle enthusiast, picking up his severely neglected son Nico from the hard tile floor...

and gently placing him back on the floor but now with cushions and dangly things.

Meanwhile his wife Selena, future educator, is hard at work whipping up fruit parfait for breakfast.

Both Selena and Connor are jobless so caring for the baby, the house, and each other should be a breeze for the couple... right? RIGHT!?

Nico needs changing and Selena is right on it!

Connor heads outside to work on Ol' Bertha, Connor's fix-er-upper, when he's stopped by fangirl newsie Frankie Cloak.
Frankie: OMWatcher I can't believe he answered the door with his shirt off *squeeeeeee*

Ol' Bertha just needs to be buffed up and primered and she'll be as good as new!

After feeding Nico and putting him down for a nap, Selena is ready to take ownership of the still under construction Primary and Secondary Schools and the already completed field that's shared by the two schools.


SELENA!!! That is NOT very ladylike. What would Vivian Landgraab say?!

Outside, Connor's new homie Kendrick Troubadour stops by. Connor regales Kendrick with tales of how fast Bertha will be once he's done with her.

Town Day Care Provider Angie Killeen calls and checks on Selena. Selena will help Angie out at the day care looking after the toddlers until her school officially opens.

But the call is cut short as morning sickness strikes Selena.

After chatting with Kendrick, Connor returns to Ol' Bertha. He's decided that he's going to give Bertha to Malcolm Landgraab, X, town politician, in the hopes that Malcolm will give him a loan to open an auto repair shop. Connor decides to paint Bertha a non-flashy silver shade.

There she is! The new and improved Ol' Bertha! With the silver color and increased speed Connor is now calling her Bullet!

After greeting Chef George Lambswool, Connor takes Bullet out for a test drive to make sure everything's copacetic before he gives her to Malcolm.

As Connor returns from his test drive, farmer Owen Goodacre stops by... I guess just to tickle Selena until she pisses her pants? Tickling everyone. It's his new thing... Luckily Connor's back to watch Nico so Selena can slip out to visit the Oceanside School Field!

The Oceanside School Field is located on Oceanside Blvd. between the Primary and Secondary Schools. The teens and the children will have to share the field for recess.

To the right is the playground area complete with swings, merry-go-round, monkey bars, slide and a jungle gym.

Next to the playground is a snack area.

To the right is the basketball court.

The bathrooms are located directly behind the basketball court. There's a little chess table for the non-athletic students.

And towards the back is a full soccer field!

Selena was anxious that the equipment wasn't up to par, so she decided to test everything out herself.

Noelee Andrews, everyone's driver, stops by to test out the playground as well. Noelee, voted in by the residents, will officially move into the mainland in the Fall.
*PSA: this isn't the real driver just a clone I made in CAS. You cannot move the real driver into your hood. The character file is incomplete and will bork your neighborhood! You will still see Noelee driving sims around. The real driver is named Noeleen and I've given this one the name Noelee so I know the difference. /end PSA*

Selena checks all of the chains on the swings to make sure they are sturdy enough.

Noelee is pretty good at shooting hoops.

Malcolm hogs up the vending machines while Fitz Biltmore, builder, arrives.

By the time Selena gets around to testing the soccer field her legs are cramping and she's pooped.

So she lays down on the bench and lets Fitz test it out for her.

Matisse Troubadour, artist and Selena's brother's baby's mama, stops by and hugs her bestie Malcolm hello.

Selena is dead tired and ready to walk across the street to go home. She thanks everyone for stopping by and leaves.

Back at home...

When Malcolm stops by (don't ask me how he can be a two places at once...) Connor gives him the keys to Bullet! Malcolm is so impressed he gives Connor a loan right on the spot (and doesn't tell his wife first...). Connor is now an Auto Mechanic and can open his own repair shop!


Connor digs out another car that he can restore. He's calling this one Bessie.

George finds a jello cube left-over from yesterday's wedding... and eats it. *BLECH*

Soon all of the guys meet up in the living room and have their own discussions. Kendrick is having a positive conversation about marriage... well now! Maybe Brodie Mason is changing him!

It's lunch-meat sandwich time!

George tells Malcolm that's he's close to opening his own restaurant.
Malcolm: Yeah, but didn't you burn like three meals in a row?
That Malcolm Landgraab, X never forgets gossip!

Selena arrives home in time to join the boys for dinner...

but she's too tired to make it to the table.

Maybe you should just go to bed, Selena.

Malcolm: Oh Watcher! Stop shaking your ass in front of me George!!

While his guests relax Connor sneaks out to work on Bessie. He's not much for big groups of people.

While Connor increases his Tinkering enthusiasm, the boys end up where every party in Oceanside ends up - the hot tub!

Little Nico wails so Daddy Connor comes to the rescue!

Then it's back to Bessie who's engine is being rebuilt faster than ever.

Connor leaves the guys to stay outside and hang in the hot tub while he quietly slips into bed next to Selena.

Almost as soon as he falls asleep...

*Pop #1*

Sunday, Day Seven

Owen's left, but the rest of the gang is still here...

After a quick bath Selena uses her spare time to study Parenting.

Kendrick and George leave but party animal Malcolm Landgraab stays in the hot tub all night.

Nico's up again. This time Selena's on diaper duty.

Angie warned all of the parents that she's seen wild hyenas roaming around the island, and here's the first sighting! Where's the baby? Is the baby inside?!

Oh, good, there he is. No hyena or dingo kidnapping today!

After confirmation that baby Nico is safe and sound, Selena and Connor have a romantic breakfast on the deck and watch the sun rise.

Malcolm: Hey... hey... Guys... a little help here... I'm STUCK!!!!

After breakfast Connor calls Fitz Biltmore to see if his auto shop is completed and operational.

Connor is now the owner of Oceanside Customs and Auto Repair (I changed the name later)! Connor immediately heads down to the shop to get everything in order for launch day.

Oceanside Customs is located on the corner of Biltmore Highway and Lambswool Lane strategically placed in front of the new Landgraab Ferry that will shuttle cars over to the Business District as soon as it's available.

Another junk car awaits Connor in the garage and he gets right to work. He nicknames this one Buster.

George is the first to stop by and check out Connor's shop.

Next is Vivian Landgraab. Hopefully she's not here to complain about her hubby giving Connor 50,000 simoleons to open the shop!

And lastly, Becca Goodacre arrives. This is a good start Connor. The Landgraabs and the Goodacres have the most money on the island. Maybe you could sell that import car today!

Buster is being uncooperative just like all of the other fixer cars.

*Gasp* Vivian went right to the SUV with the weird writing on it. We might sell a car today!!

George picks up one the cool remote control race cars.

Connor rushes upstairs to sell Vivian on the SUV.
Connor: ...there's no way you're going to be able to get you, Malcolm and the three kids into Bullet. You definitely need a bigger car.
Vivian: But why do I need a car when Noelee can just drive us around wherever we want to go?
This is how the rich stay rich people - they don't spend their money!

BECCA!!! What will Owen say!

Connor distracts Becca with a mushy romance movie and sneaks away from her advances...

and tries to sell that car!
Connor: You will be the only sim on the island who will have this particular model!
Vivian: I do like to have things before everyone else does...

Connor has to leave Vivian on her own in order to ring up George.

Unfortunately it looks like Vivian gave up on the SUV and joins the others looking at the remote control cars.

Since the shop is right on the beach Connor thought that an outdoor shower would make sense.

Viv nabs herself a remote control car also and is ready to be rung up.

Good job Firestone! You have sold two things!

It's getting late and Connor is ready to close up shop for the day.

However, Mrs. Landgraab was waiting at the check out. What's that sly look for Viv?

Wait... She left! And she took the other remote control car she was going to buy with her! THIEF!!!
Vivian: SUCKER!!!

Oblivious to the theft that just occurred, Connor escorts all of the customers out for the day and heads home.

Back at the house...

Malcolm is still here. Swimming in your ocean. My guess is the wailing of three kids is really getting to him. He doesn't want to leave!

Selena awakens and takes a quick shower...

and takes care of Nico.

Connor's back. My look at the weeds and the trash. Someone needs to take care of that stat!

Tomorrow is Nico's transition day!

Selena's ready to turn in for the night when...

*pop #2*



Part 2

oceanside school field, bacc, oceanside customs, firestone, sims 2, oceanside sims

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