Dear Diary

Dec 23, 2015 11:55

I have been thinking of things as we enter the holiday season. A lot of people are lonely this time of year. Not everyone has a beautiful loving family to go home to. Not everyone has friends that keep in touch with them both near and far. Not everyone gets along with their relatives. For some people this is it. The internet is their friends and ( Read more... )

holidays, food, ashley, brandon, sewing, life, mother

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Comments 40

stray_infinity December 23 2015, 17:36:48 UTC
You know..I completely agree with your point about the holidays being a tough time for some. I'm grateful that despite the hardships I had with my family that they still provided me with what I needed; although I rank emotional support higher than material (the emotional is what I was lacking from them), obtaining a home, water, and food is not easy at all.

Maybe we could organize a group chat or something where people can drop in? I'd be down to spread some e-love :).


beauty_forashes December 23 2015, 23:09:13 UTC
Maybe we could organize a group chat or something where people can drop in? I'd be down to spread some e-love :).

What a cool idea! :)


darkest_diary December 23 2015, 23:11:49 UTC
It is, I have no idea how to do it, but if you guys have any suggestions I am up for it. :)


beauty_forashes December 23 2015, 23:53:50 UTC
Haha, I'm clueless too! What I DID do once long ago, when Chris was working over the holidays, was to sort of host a Christmas party on my LJ. I invited anyone to drop by, comment, chat with everyone else, introduced people to each other I thought might get along, and we had some fun (I recall a dirty limerick competition/battle going on - lol - or just linking to things we enjoyed). There weren't a lot of people, of course, but those of us who were there really had fun.


kaishin108 December 23 2015, 21:09:51 UTC
I can relate to what you wrote at the very start of your post. Thank you for writing it.

Christmas feels a bit strange this year as we hardly know anyone in Boise yet and I notice how because of this my online friends feel important.

It is great to be friends with you here!
(I am going to have to look for some photos of Rambo, how very odd). Did you post a photo of your shirt anywhere? Or maybe you will when you are done with it, I hope!



darkest_diary December 23 2015, 23:17:18 UTC
Haha, I am going to post the shirt after I get it and few other things fixed, I still don't see the 'Rambo' part. lol

I really value the people I meet on Livejournal. Online friends are great, sometimes I think it's easier to be more open with online friends then with people face to face. I think you are a great person to get to know, I am glad I met you on here!


kaishin108 December 23 2015, 23:23:40 UTC
Awww thanks. And I should have said, I am more appreciative of my online friends, they/you have always been important.

Looking forward to getting to know you even better in 2016!


darkest_diary December 23 2015, 23:30:59 UTC
lol, oh, I didn't notice the phasing, perhaps because I figured what you meant. :)

Same to you, I am off to look at your Quilt now!


beauty_forashes December 23 2015, 23:13:31 UTC
I hear you on the first part, that's why I always go visit my neighbor (yeah the doofus with the neglected cat, but he has no family or friends). I bring him a plate of food and some baked goods, usually, and talk with him for a bit. I feel bad that he's so alone, but I also like old people and actually enjoy what they have to say, so it's not a great sacrifice or anything.

Rambo?! LOL! I'd have to google too, never saw that movie.

I hope you enjoy the chicken! :D


darkest_diary December 23 2015, 23:28:41 UTC
I never saw the movie either, I googled it and still have no idea what they are talking about! lol

It's nice that you take the time to do that for your neighbour, I hate seeing old people lonely this time of year. I saw an old man the other day talking to this waitress, She was all, Merry Christmas.'

Then he said. "It is just going to be like any other day for me. I have no place to go, and no family. I spent 30 years at sea, some of them during the holidays. I am used to being alone."

Then she said 'hmm.' and walked off with his cash. He just got up and walked out.

I wish people would just take that moment of time with each other. She could have asked him about the sea or anything. The place was not the least bit busy. He was a few tables away and had already paid. I've paid old peoples tabs before, when I see them sitting alone in restaurants.


beauty_forashes December 23 2015, 23:49:19 UTC
He just got up and walked out.

*sighs*...that just kind of breaks my heart.

I know people in service jobs have a stressful, low-paying and aggravating job, and I understand at some point they're just fed up with customers. Or they're working on little sleep and have a family to provide for, and have all sorts of troubles. It's sad that many people who have a lot of contact with the public, don't get paid well and the job is demanding and exhausting, so they have no spoons left over for the people they serve, and so maybe someone like that old man, or a need someone has, doesn't even register. I wish she had been aware enough, or had the energy or compassion to sit with him a bit and talk, I'd have loved to hear his story.

I've paid old peoples tabs before, when I see them sitting alone in restaurants.

Bless you. :)


darkest_diary December 23 2015, 23:57:34 UTC
The waitress was a bit grumpy, maybe she was having a bad day. She never even checked to see if our food was alright, or to refill the drinks, and I had to get the hostess to bring stuff to the table. Either a bad day, or she just didn't want to work there. :/


changeling72 December 24 2015, 08:18:02 UTC
My elderly friend Daphne always spent Christmas Day on her own - by choice. She used to grouch about people who would tell her she couldn't spend Christmas Day on her own - "I spend every other day of the year on my own, so why not Christmas Day?"


darkest_diary December 24 2015, 13:35:23 UTC
I can see that. I don't mind being alone. Sometimes I would prefer it to having to go and visit people I don't want to see. More power to her! :)


shampoo_neko02 December 28 2015, 00:22:45 UTC
I totally understand what you mean about being lonely during Christmas. I feel that way sometimes. Even though I have my husband and kids. It is just us, no other family. I wish we could have other family around but I have no family left and my husbands family are all cunts.

We are very glad and happy that we have eachother but miss the vibe you have when you are around a big group of family. I used to have that when I was younger. But no more.


darkest_diary December 28 2015, 16:10:20 UTC
Ever since my grandmother passed on a few years ago, it's just gotten more and more hectic without that family feel, it feels more like an obligation to be there, not because anyone wants to go. It's like they want to keep up the tradition, but no one feels like it.

I like just having the people that I care about close to me. It feels more comfortable that way.


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