Landings (fic)

Jan 02, 2009 18:17

Title: Landing
Characters: Bumblebee, Jazz, Sunsinger, Nighthawk, Optimus Prime, Ironhide, others
Rating: G
Word Count: 1824
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, except for the sparklings Sunsinger and Nighthawk.
Summary: Surprise arrivals get a shock of their own.

The Autobots gathered around the area that had been plotted as the landing place of the incoming Autobots. Everyone from the new base was there except the twins, who were doing patrols. Optimus stood close to Jazz and Bumblebee, prepared to help the two protect their sparklings should something go awry. Everybody was happier about his decision to place himself close to the parents when the signal from the incoming bots came in fuzzy, like something was interrupting the transmission, or that someone was trying to hide something. Before the big red and blue bot could even order everyone to be on guard weapons were being charged and the bots were drawing into a more protective circle.

The massive protoform hit ground with an earthshaking crash, setting both sparklings to crying inconsolably. While Bee and Jazz tried to quiet the twins, the protoform unfolded, revealing the smaller forms of 3 individual bots, as well as a cargo device.

One of the bots moved more quickly, metal popping and whirring as long-unused limbs stretched to full length and up, a bot not much larger than Bumblebee that moved lithely towards them after a moment.

Bee tried to quiet Sunsinger, who refused to calm down even though her twin was already quiet and staring at Optimus' back.

Ironhide stepped forward to help Arcee out of the crater of their landing zone. "Arcee... We're glad you made it."

Arcee reached up, taking his hands, the smile of her metallic lips widening, "Thank you, Ironhide... it was good to hear Prime's voice. But it's not me you'll want to see.." She smiled and moved out of the way as the second of the bots moved, and a dark grey 'bot looked up at Ironhide's black and gray form. "'Hide. Been too long."

The big black mech blinked, and then turned as that voice reached his audio receptors. "Chromia." He released Arcee's hand and stepped up to assist his partner from the crater. "Took you long enough." Gruff, rumbly voice before he actually hugged the gray femme.

Bumblebee tried to shush his femme by letting her have his fingers, but she chomped down on one, and while it didn't hurt, it was a startling sensation. "Ow! Hey!"

Optimus made a softly amused noised. "Arcee. It is a pleasure to see that you have made it safely."

Chromia hugged him back, her own voice gruff as she snorted. "You got lucky, I went chasing exhaust trails. Could have gone the other way."

Arcee flashed another smile at Optimus, shaking her head. "It's good to see you, too, Prime. I was glad to hear your voic--a sparkling? Who had the sparkling?"

Ironhide snorted back, amused. "True. Who...?" He looked at the last protoform, pale blue coloring barely visible under the slightly charred remains of the re-entry armor. The last bot moved to transform slowly, injuries making gears grind

Optimus chuckled. "I will brief you on everything later. Bumblebee, quit hiding."

After that kind of calling-out Bee had to move, finger still trapped between the mouth plates of his femme. "Arcee..." Sunsinger let go of his finger to click curiously at that tone in her papa's voice, and Jazz stepped up beside him to give him a moment. "Hiya Arcee. Bee's just happy t' see ya."

"Bee? You... and.. twins?!" She spluttered in shock, staring at him and Jazz.

Sunsinger chirped, which made Nighthawk chirp back, and both sparklings just started chattering at the new bot.

Bee's door-wings twitched, and he nodded. "Yeah. Kind of a shock, huh?"

The last protoform finally rose to it's feet and moved towards the gathering of Autobots, and reluctantly Ironhide turned from Chromia to help it - her - out. "You look like you need... Elita?!"

Optimus turned sharply at that name and the rest of the team moved out of the way of their leader as he hurried towards the landing site.

Arcee grinned, amused, and glanced over her shoulder at the rushing form of their Prime, then her attention went back to the sparklings, and she reached out for the little femme. "Hello, little one... what's your name, sweetheart?"

Chromia had turned to reach down for her commander, but stepped smoothly out of the way as their Prime was suddenly there. "Prime. Arcee's right. It was damn good to hear you."

Bee wasn't going to make a sound about the way Optimus was hurrying, he just eased Sunsinger into Arcee's arms. "This is Sunsinger. Her twin is Nighthawk." Sunsinger was clicking as she was handed over, well used to it in the week since she'd onlined, and she inspected this new bot's chest armor.

Optimus paused to close a hand on Chromia's shoulder, before assisting Elita up onto level ground. He held her smaller frame against his for a moment, before releasing her to look her over. "Ratchet!"

Ironhide smiled, and then pulled Chromia back. "You didn't warn us that you were coming in with injured."

"Like we would, with Primus knows who eavesdropping on the transmission? Have you lost the ability to use that processor of yours completely?"

Arcee petted the little femme, holding her against her. "Hello, Sunsinger."

Ratchet moved up swiftly, looking at Elita intently. "Whoever did that repair, I want a word with them. Prime, bring her."

"Not completely." He snorted. "You were the sensible half of our partnership, if you'll reboot your memory."

Jazz stepped over to Arcee's side with Nighthawk so that the little green sparkling could get in on trying for attention.

Elita made an irritated noise, but before she could take more than a step Optimus scooped her up to carry her small frame. "Shush, Elita." She hissed rudely at him and then gave in to being carried

Chromia snorted and leaned into him for a minute, then looked over at the pair holding the sparklings. "...Primus save us, let neither of them take after you two chatterboxes."

Arcee tucked Sunsinger in closer against her chest, and reached out carefully to touch the little green one. "Hello to you too, Nighthawk..."

Jazz spluttered at Chromia, looking hurt. "Hey now, 'm not that bad!" Nighthawk just made a purry sound at the petting, and chirped delightedly.

Bumblebee shook his head. "I only just got my voice capacitor fixed, Chromia."

Chromia started walking over, one hand back for Ironhide. "Only just? Bumblebee..." she shook her head, other hand settling on his shoulder as she looked down at the sparklings with a vaguely wary expression.

Sunsinger was quite content where she was, but Nighthawk looked up at the new voice and waved his hands at Chromia curiously.

Bumblebee nodded, giving the gray bot a thumbs up. "Everything has been fixed, Chromia."

Ironhide followed his partner, and stood at her back as she joined the new parents. "Tyger Pax, Chromia. His voice was repaired five of this planet's cycles ago."

Chromia shook her head, and laid a hand on Bumblebee's shoulder for a moment, then looked down at the waving little sparkling warily. "All right... let me see the little thing, since it seems to want to come here."

Jazz laughed as he handed over Nighthawk. "You're new. 'Course he wants to be held by you. They're curious as cats."

Chromia settled Nighthawk in against her body, looking at him. "We haven't had a sparkling in so long... I'd almost forgotten what one looked like... hello little one."

Nighthawk chirped brightly at Chromia, tiny fingers exploring the lighter armor of her protoform.

Jazz nodded. "Yeah. Keepin' us all on our toes, these two are, and they're not even really mobile yet. 'Course, Singer there was the real shock."

Arcee tipped her head, "What makes you say that, Jazz?"

Bee stroked Sunsinger's head. "We'd only anticipated one sparkling, and Ratchet had only built the one form - Nighthawk's. We weren't expecting a femme any more than we were expecting twins, and when Ratchet went to transfer Hawk's spark to the new form, there was a tiny, weaker spark still in the insulative blanket."

"Yep." Jazz agreed. "Nearly shocked the armor right off us. Singer's a lil slower developin' than Hawk, but only because she's smaller an' doesn' have as much power as her twin. Hatchet says she's fine, though."

"Aah." Chromia held the little male gently. "So she really was a surprise. And neither one of you were probably expecting a femme... good thing Arcee's here."

Arcee blinked, shaking her head. "You're as much a femme as I am, Chromia, whatever you meant by that comment of yours..."

The two sparklings clicked contentedly from their new perches while the adults spoke above them.

Ironhide chuckled, patting Chromia's hip. "She might be a femme, Arcee, but she can give me just as good a run as any mech here."

Jazz shook his head - and people accused him of having no tact!

Chromia's eyes snapped blue as she snapped a foot back into Ironhide's shin, never losing her balance.

Ironhide grunted. "Slag-it, femme, that's going to leave a dent!"

Jazz leaned around Chromia to punch Ironhide. "No cursing around the sparklings!"

"A dent is the least of what I'll leave on you, if you keep running your mouth like that, 'Hide."

"What? It was a compliment!"

"Hm... all right. I might let it slide, then. Here, Jazz. This is yours." She handed Nighthawk back to his parent. "I need a brief on what happened, more than what was in that broadcast, and Prime's not going to leave Elita for anything, so you're elected, 'Hide." She stopped for a second. "He is a cute little thing, Jazz, Bee."

Nighthawk clicked softly when he was moved, before curling up against Jazz's chassis. "Thanks, Chromia. Glad ya made it."

"Can't say I blame Prime for not wantin' to leave her." Ironhide turned to gesture Chromia towards the base. "You can find an alt-form once you've recharged."

"Thanks Chromia." Bee said softly, watching his sparklings. Movement captured his attention, and he looked up to see Bluestreak and Wheeljack moving in to carry the cargo container back to the base.

"You're welcome. Both of you." Chromia tilted her head slightly at Ironhide as they walked. "You've changed forms, then?"

Arcee was still holding Sunsinger, talking softly to the tiny little femme.

"To blend in better with the locals. There is a race of intelligent organics on this planet, and Optimus Prime has decided that we should live among them peacefully. After the battle for the Allspark passed and the humans - their species designation - had some time, most of them seem to have forgotten us, and we can move among them unhindered."

Bee started quietly filling Arcee in, until Jazz stopped him. "Why don't we move this into the base? It's safer, and you can get fresh energon, Arcee."

Arcee nodded, and tucked in between the two of them to head up to the base, the little femme still curled up against her chest plate.

The sad thing is, this has been sitting on my hard drive for ages, waiting to be checked over. Sorry it took so long.

arcee, bumblebee, nighthawk, hawk and singer, jazz, transformers, sunsinger, ironhide, optimus prime, chromia, elita one

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