Series Title: Colliding with Reality
Title: The First Time Ever I... (Part 2)
dark_orionPairing: Kradam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: That abruptly reminds Kris there had been a reason for wanting to get Adam back to the mansion, to have him alone, and that reason is still burning up Kris’ agenda.
Author's Notes: Yay, Part B! Time for the sexin'! And
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Comments 34
I can't even begin to explain how much of an asset you are to this fandom.
Anyway. This? Is brilliant. I know I haven't commented before, but this is one of my two favorite series fics in this fandom, mostly because it's so very deep and amazingly well plotted out, as well as well-written. The characterizations are spot-on, and I've found myself going back to read it over and over again.
Wonderful, wonderful work.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this story, this update, for writing and posting and being so far beyond awesome I don't think I'll ever be able to read another Kradam fic unless you've written it. This is simply beyond words, beautiful, fantastic, sweet, no description can possibly be good enough. Magnificently done!
In case you hadn't guessed yet, I love this (obsessively, addictively, hopelessly). Never stop writing. :) <3
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